People Will Come To Take Pictures Of The Screen – IOTW Report

People Will Come To Take Pictures Of The Screen

Japanese Town Building Giant Screen to Prevent Tourists From Photographing Mt. Fuji.

15 Comments on People Will Come To Take Pictures Of The Screen

  1. So, when are they going to paint fake tunnels into the sides of a mountain like in the old road runner and Wile E Coyote cartoons that only the road runner could pass thru or a large truck coming from the opposite direction about ready to flatten the poor coyote. Portable holes would also work.

  2. Why? Is Mt. Fuji a military installation, and they don’t want anyone to see what it looks like?

    They’d have to build the screen around the entire mountain I think.

    Still inscrutable, those Japanese. Maybe nearsighted as well. I won’t mention buck teeth though.

  3. If you hate tourists’ money so much, why don’t you just ban tourism and keep all that looking at the mountain for yourself? That ought to teach them!

  4. Reminiscent of Obama’s cordoning off Mt Rushmore during the “government shutdown” to prevent people from seeing it. He also prevented tourists from exiting a bus on US land, keeping them imprisoned for a time.

    One Japanese tourist was quoted as saying “Obama is assho.”

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