Steve Buscemi Punched by Maniac in “Crime Free” NYC Attack – IOTW Report

Steve Buscemi Punched by Maniac in “Crime Free” NYC Attack

Weird. A lot of actors are being attacked in NYC lately. <–Salty has the story.

15 Comments on Steve Buscemi Punched by Maniac in “Crime Free” NYC Attack

  1. First, young white women are attacked – at “random”, now Hollywierd actors, who most likely don’t stick to the leftist commie script are attacked in New York City.
    The usual suspects, criminally insane urban black men are weaponized once again. Seeing a strategy to cause as much chaos as possible by the left…of course.

  2. Random attacks appears to be word salad, meaning if you want to walk the streets of NYC be prepared to be assaulted, raped or having your vehicle stolen.
    The BIG APPLE is rotting from the inside out.


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