Democrat-Run California Imposes Secret 50-Cent Per Gallon Gas Tax – IOTW Report

Democrat-Run California Imposes Secret 50-Cent Per Gallon Gas Tax


Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California…

California is completely controlled by the Democrat party. Republicans have been snuffed out in the Golden State.

Major cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles are plagued by homelessness, violent crime and theft.

Californians are taxed to death as illegal aliens are given taxpayer-funded ‘free’ healthcare, housing and debit cards.

Now this…

An emissions reduction program by an environmental regulator will lead to a 50-cent per gallon of gasoline increase, according to a report by a state environment regulator.

Last year the California Air Resources Board (CARB) said gas prices would increase by 50 cents next year and every year after in order to reduce emissions.

This is in addition to California’s existing gas tax! more

19 Comments on Democrat-Run California Imposes Secret 50-Cent Per Gallon Gas Tax

  1. I read this earlier and dismissed it as the usual Cali Libtard bull shit. If I’m paying 50 cents more per gallon of fuel tomorrow I’m pretty sure I’ll see it. This is the same clown that will save the state tons of money by eliminating unfulfilled jobs. Dumber than a fucking box of rocks. Probably your next President.

  2. Good. You get what you vote for.
    Will this wake them up? No. But anyone with an ounce of common sense and a bit of money is moving out.
    I just pray that as they move they realize what and why they are leaving and leave all their politics behind, too.

  3. WA state is already doing this. We pay at least .41 cents more per gallon, on top of a gas tax, for some crazy cap/trade climate nonsense.

    Thankfully, after gathering 400K signatures, it’s on November’s ballot. Will voters can repeal this stupid tax. We’ll see. 🤷‍♀️

  4. Illustr8r, you probably saw that two more candidates with the name of Bob Ferguson entered the Washington primary for governor. The AG Bob Ferguson probably had a mild heart attack and called on the Democratic machine in Washington to put the fear of lawfare in them and the two other Bob Ferguson’s pulled out of the race. If I would have thought of it in time I would have changed my name to Bob Ferguson.

  5. @Joe6Pak
    I sent “the Bobs” into BFH. It was posted this morning if you go back a few pages on the site.

    Jason Rantz talked about it today and how AGBob immediately made the leap to ,”it’s a threat to our democracy!!!” Oh boo hoo. 😂

  6. California Air Resources Board (CARB)

    I’m the proud owner of about 68 carbs and I suggest you burn in hell and stop your feeble attempt at hijacking one of the greatest inventions of all man

    Tax in IL raises every year too. When the cuck guvner in IL (jabba the hut) suspended the RAISE in gas tax during the coof, it was law to hang a sign denoting as such on all the pumps. Please someone tell me why it’s not law to denote a raise, every. friggin. year.

  7. What we tolerate; we get.

    As citizens of a Republic, we have failed.
    “The Federalist Papers” speak to us across the centuries about how the citizenry would never allow this or that – we are the misplaced hope of the Founders.

    Ignorance (due mainly to “public education”), complacency (due mainly to being coddled), and affluence (due mainly to the efforts of our parents) have done their part to change us from a “Don’t Tread on Me” Republic to an “I Don’t Give a Fuck” amalgamation of disinterested, snotty, supercilious, self-important, lazy, greedy, grasping maggots with little sense of cause and effect or actions and consequences.

    We gave it away.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I voted for Biden. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and

  9. Folks are still going to buy gas, so I really don’t think California or the Democrats care. Remember when everyone was saying they would give up smoking when cigarettes cost ___ a pack? Yeah – it’s sort of like that.

  10. The democrats made California a giant bum, low life, drug addict, and free-shitter magnet, none of whom pay taxes. More are arriving every day. The increase in gas tax is going to hurt competition and chase more taxpayers out of the state, forcing those who stay to pay more taxes, forcing more taxpayers to leave as more slackers arrive. Michigan made this mistake. The cycle stopped when many democrats were voted out of office.

  11. In a REAL democracy, Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsome would share a room in the Intensive Care Unit, both recovering from severe “2×4 to the head blunt trauma”.


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