The Trail of Vomit Zipline – IOTW Report

The Trail of Vomit Zipline

For $135 You Can Ride the World’s Longest Urban Zipline in Dubai — Worth It?

23 Comments on The Trail of Vomit Zipline

  1. Having once been an avid hang glider pilot and regularly experiencing soaring flights of multiple hours over spectacularly beautiful natural terrain, taking a short zip through/over a city doesn’t hold much attraction.

  2. did the Toro Verde in Puerto Rico recently, it used to be the tallest/longest in the world. absolutely incredible going over that terrain over 65mph attached to a cable. I’d have no issue doing the one in Dubai except it’s in Dubai.

  3. Reminds me of when we were kids we strung a line from the 2nd floor balcony down to the detached garage. No… we didn’t zip line on it, we put hooks in our plastic model war planes and “flew” them down to the garage. Meanwhile a buddy down on the driveway with a Rifleman BB gun would try to shoot them in “flight”!

    Somehow I can see some muzloid taking pot shots at a moving infidel or hitting the line and taking a dive into the city!

    Later on (back at the ranch) in true Goulardi fashion we put firecrackers in the planes and light them just before release. That was awesome!

  4. My thought in watching that was that arranging the rights to the airspace must have really been something. Couldn’t do that in any US city, only a dictatorial place.


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