VIDEO: Texas Woman Shoots Up McDonald’s Over Missing Hash Browns and Biscuits – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Texas Woman Shoots Up McDonald’s Over Missing Hash Browns and Biscuits


A Texas woman fired at least eight gunshots through a McDonald’s drive-thru window in San Antonio after the workers allegedly forgot to give her hash browns and biscuits.

The incident occurred in December, but the arrest warrant affidavit was made public this week.

Samantha Anthony, 32, has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a second-degree felony. more

21 Comments on VIDEO: Texas Woman Shoots Up McDonald’s Over Missing Hash Browns and Biscuits

  1. I played guess the ethnicity before reading the article. I was wrong with my first guess but right with my second. Why do so many of them seem to have no filters?

  2. We had a KFC in the ‘bad’ part of town, they were robbed and shot up so often they put up a 2″ thick Lexan shield that covered the whole counter area. There was a little metal grill to order through, after which you would slide your money through a slot and then pick up your order through a lazy Susan in the wall. The Dept of Health finally closed them down for good because of rats and cockroaches. Finger lickin’ good!

  3. Even her eye brows are crazy.
    She was refunded the price she paid for hash browns, biscuits and reimbursed for the cost of 8 Rounds.
    That’s equity for you.


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