Biden admin favors illegals and ‘lewd conduct’ – IOTW Report

Biden admin favors illegals and ‘lewd conduct’

An illegal immigrant who has been repeatedly arrested for public lewdness over the last two decades was apprehended by federal immigration authorities earlier this month, the Daily Caller News Foundation confirmed.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a press release earlier this month on their apprehension of a foreign national repeatedly convicted for “open and gross lewdness and lascivious behavior” in the Boston area. Through court records, local news reports, and social media posts, the DCNF identified the man as Lucio Tomar, a Cape Verde national living illegally in the U.S. more

3 Comments on Biden admin favors illegals and ‘lewd conduct’

  1. Two decades of lewdness. In those old northeast democrat run decaying cities perhaps lewdness passes for normal.

    Man and wife are eating dinner at a window seat at an expensive French cafe in NYC.

    Wife: Oh look…that man just outside the window is squatting and relieving himself and throwing up at the same time…

    Husband: Yeah, yeah, I’ve seen that hundreds of times…looks like the poor guy has drunk too much Thunderbird…his vomit is kind of a purplish color…no big deal…how’s your dinner of roast horse dick? My breaded deep-fried cow intestines and roast sheep eye is great. Love this French cooking.

    Wife: As caring people, we should buy him a new bottle of Thunderbird.

    Husband: You are right dear. We must do what we can as liberals with a heart. Let’s buy him two bottles, OK?

    Wife: Yes, of course…We can tell all our friends on the Upper West Side how we saved that poor homeless suffering man.


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