Give Newsom The Boot – IOTW Report

Give Newsom The Boot


Time To Recall Newsom. (realimpactUS)

16 Comments on Give Newsom The Boot

  1. @Anonymous Saturday, 25 May 2024, 9:10 at 9:10 am –

    How do you convince idiots that they made a mistake?

    (If we knew the answer to that, we could fix the country.)

  2. oh please, please. the fraud machines in california wont get rid of him. he is preening to get the democratic nod for president as soon as biden drops out.

  3. For Rush Limbaugh lovers of Good Radio you might try listening to 77WABC online. James Golden AKA Bo Snerdley had news about a remarkable Off-Broadway play called October 7 the play. MJA please forgive me for stepping all over your post , didn’t know where to put it .

  4. I do not live in California but I wonder about those who do if they indeed elect this individual. Of course it “might” be manipulated elections. Any thinking person with three brain cells rubbing together can see the extreme damage he has done to that once beautiful state.

  5. At least, recall that cover story about why he suddenly disappeared for 12 days and canceled a trip to London a few hours after getting a booster

    Was it because your kids suddenly wanted you to stay in the house for 12 days to get some rest, Gav? And you JUST couldnt say no to them? After all these new revelations about COVID, I’m beginning to smell a rat

  6. We’ve tried to recall this asshole twice and both times he used the courts to cheat his way out of it. His “Secret Gas Tax”goes into affect in July. It won’t be much of a secret when fuel goes up .50 cents over night. Yesterday he signed a bill that increased the waiting time for purchasing a fire arm from 10 days to 40. Last month he signed a bill increasing the tax on ammo and firearms by 11%. The guys a fucking tyrant. We use to vote on such legislation. Even under Brown. But not this dictator. They dream this shit up in our liberal state senate and he just signs it into law. The only way we straighten this shit out is a fair election.

  7. Newscum voters really need to be honest and open their eyes. This states has changed so much. People used to think of CA resident as free thinkers. No they are like sheep. Must wear masks, curfews (Newsome actually had curfew), stores and restaurants closed, playgrounds boarded up,…I could just keep going. The dim voters here in CA keep voting in the same losers, Piglosi,Pencilneck Shift, Padilla, Swallwell (slept with spy), and newscum

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