Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker’s daughter and son-in-law murdered in Haiti by gang members while working as missionaries – IOTW Report

Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker’s daughter and son-in-law murdered in Haiti by gang members while working as missionaries


The daughter and son-in-law of Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker have been killed while doing missionary work in Haiti.

According to the organization they belonged to, Missions in Haiti, Inc, Natalie Baker and Davy Lloyd were shot dead after being “ambushed” by gangsters.

“This evening when Davy, Natalie and the kids were coming out of Youth at the church they were ambushed by a gang of 3 trucks full of guys,” the organization wrote in a post on Facebook. “Davy was taken to the house tied up and beat. The gang then took our trucks and loaded everything up they wanted and left … No one understood what they were doing, not sure what took place but one was shot and killed and now this gang went into full attack mode.” more

27 Comments on Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker’s daughter and son-in-law murdered in Haiti by gang members while working as missionaries

  1. Going to Haiti these days is an extreme risk of death. The country doesn’t even have a government. Nearly every missionary project left (some very quickly) several years ago – before covid, in fact. I appreciate their desire to help, but this seems an unreasonable risk.

  2. May God be with the families, provide understanding and strength.

    It’s no surprise to me, when you are surrounded by vicious feral dogs, you will be bitten and killed in a frenzy of activity.
    Even the feral dogs you’ve fed and befriended will join the kill.
    RIP, if you were recognised by the black pope you would be a Saint.

  3. RIP Davy and Natalie Lloyd. People are called by God to be missionaries; this couple answered the call. They knew the dangers involved in this service. They chose to Charlie-Mike, continue mission, though everything was collapsing around them. Davy and Natalie are with Christ Jesus even as we speak.

    Make no mistake, we are serving in this spiritual war and it is just beginning to be realized here. It won’t be long before these incidents will be commonplace here in “the west”. Best to get straight with Christ before things really go off the rails.

  4. You wanna go be an idiot in Wakanda, White boi?


    Don’t take your White wife though.

    They don’t get a lot of White women there.

    But I’m sure that they ended up “appreciating” her to death.

    Her death probably took a lot longer to come than his.

    But I’m sure it was much more pleasurable for her murderers.

  5. Back in the 70’s I had some work in Cape Haitian as a field service tech.
    I had an armed guard with me at all times. Nothing has changes there at all. Not quit sure when it happened but Haiti made a pact with Satan and the place has been an evil shit pot ever since.

  6. What’ll it take for people to reject the idea of going to Haiti for any reason?

    Convert brutal killers to Christianity? It’s probably too late in the game.

  7. Who are more in need of saving than the children of Haiti?
    They entered the hyena’s den with purity of purpose and the love of God.
    They followed in Jesus’s footsteps – I haven’t the courage to do that.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. There is a cruise line, can’t remember which one, that created a port, port facilities, jobs, and a little pocket of wealth in some corner of Haiti. The line poured a lot of money into the area and lots of passengers got off and explored the surroundings and whatever the local culture offered.

    I can’t remember which cruise line it is so I don’t know if it still makes port calls in Haiti. My guess is that they have stopped until conditions improve, if ever.

  9. “Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.”


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