SCOTUS Sides with NRA’s First Amendment Rights — Opinion Written by Liberal Justice Sotomayor – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Sides with NRA’s First Amendment Rights — Opinion Written by Liberal Justice Sotomayor


In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously sided with the National Rifle Association (NRA) on Thursday, ruling that the New York State Department of Financial Services violated the NRA’s First Amendment rights by effectively blacklisting the group.

The decision, surprisingly authored by far-left Justice Sonia Sotomayor, affirmed that the NRA “plausibly alleged” that its free speech rights were stifled by the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) under directives perceived to be politically motivated.

The case, rooted in actions taken by former DFS Superintendent Maria T. Vullo, has ignited fierce debates over the intersection of regulation and free speech.

Vullo, acting on what many conservatives see as a directive from former Governor Andrew Cuomo, issued “guidance letters” to financial institutions in 2018 which effectively coerced them into severing ties with the NRA. more

9 Comments on SCOTUS Sides with NRA’s First Amendment Rights — Opinion Written by Liberal Justice Sotomayor

  1. Despite the fact that ALL of the states agreed to the Constitution and the bill of rights, some no longer respect ANY OF IT. Time to dissolve this failed “union” before the mass bloodshed begins. ONLY by not being under a central jack boot (of any flavor), can the country ever hope to be free again.

  2. I hope the NRA’s lawyers get what they need via discovery, but I just know they won’t. The state’s hack lawyers will engage in lawfare delaying tactics every step of the way.

  3. How does one black list bank of Amerika?
    They are not Black and not American.
    Boa has nothing to do with America.

    But they handle a LOT of military accounts.
    Just think about how that info gets used.
    Boa undermines America with NBC and AfricaCons all day and night long.

    FBOA and FJB too

  4. If the POTUS is derelict in his constitutional requirement to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed” then what standing does the SCOTUS have and who is going to uphold the law?

  5. “….U.S. Supreme Court unanimously sided with the National Rifle Association (NRA)….”
    O-M-G!!!! Stop the presses! Declare a national holiday! The Earth has stopped rotating on its axis!


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