Biden’s Labor Department Urges Employers to Help “Menstruators Thrive at Work” – IOTW Report

Biden’s Labor Department Urges Employers to Help “Menstruators Thrive at Work”

PM: The Biden administration‘s Department of Labor (DOL) urged employers to help “menstruaters” at work on Wednesday in a post. The DOL, under the leadership of Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su, said that “#Menstruation affects half the U.S. workforce but talking about it at work can be taboo. For #MenstrualHygieneDay, here are 5 easy actions employers can take to help menstruators thrive at work.” Menstruators, uterus-havers, cervix-owners, birthers, and other reproductive function or body part terms have been replacing the words “woman” or “mother” in documentation and rhetoric across the Biden administation to appease those who believe males and females can change their biological sex through sheer belief, medication, and surgery.  MORE

14 Comments on Biden’s Labor Department Urges Employers to Help “Menstruators Thrive at Work”

  1. They have painted themselves into a corner and have about half of the feminists up in arms over the including “trans men” in their exclusive world. They don’t know how to get out of this without losing one or the other faction. One side predominantly consists of urban, malicious, maladjusted, malcontents and the other the “suburban housewives.” They lose a good portion of either and it will make their loss of a sizable percentage of blacks and Latinos over this shit shrink to insignificance in comparison.

    Remember back to “we are the ones we have been waiting for” during the Obama campaign and malAdministration? Irrespective of the fact that that clusterfuck produced one predictable result after another, their narcissism compels them forward with the notion that they are endowed with some innate sense that, individually or collectively, they have superior intelligence and ability that must be recognized.

    They have been inculcated with a sense that envy is the greatest of virtues and not a cardinal sin. They truly believe themselves, individually or collectively again, to have unjustly been denied the place in the universe occupied by God. They resent everyone who has anything they lack, but most of all they resent God.

    They tried to shit mix everyone who lives a joyous and fulfilling life with their policies and in the process have elevated not one “vulnerable” population a single rung on the ladder. What they have done is to deliberately and systematically increase innocent human suffering, misery and death across the board and enrich themselves in the process.

    We are now seeing the various factions that make up the Democrat coalition beginning to recognize them as the oppressors and turn on them with vengeance.

    Pass the popcorn, this is starting to get good.

  2. So now the natural function of a woman’s body is a “disability”?

    Well, ladies, you’ve been told you only get 70% of mens salaries, and now you know why.

    Here’s the pertinent federal regulation:


  3. Talking about menstruation isn’t taboo, just embarrassing.
    And, since I’m unabashedly all male, I apparently have no right to talk about womens’ private stuff. Like menstruation. So I won’t. None of my business.
    Talk amongst yourselves.


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