Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Screws Seniors with the Biggest Medicare Premium Increase Ever – IOTW Report

Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Screws Seniors with the Biggest Medicare Premium Increase Ever


One of the classic strategies in the Obama/Biden playbook is policy that sounds good in the short-term, but whose long-term consequences won’t be felt until after an election. That way if Democrats win, they’re insulated from voters holding them accountable; but if they lose, they can blame Republicans when things go south.

This was undoubtedly one of the plays the Biden administration had in mind for the gallingly misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). But this disastrous legislation hasn’t just sabotaged Americans’ wallets, it’s sabotaged their health as well.

Snuck into the IRA was a poorly drafted provision that attempted to lower out-of-pocket expenses on prescription drugs. The IRA lowers the out-of-pocket maximum for seniors from about $3,300 to $2,000 by shifting the responsibility for the $1,300 difference to insurance companies. To no one’s surprise, the insurance companies pass that cost to consumers in the form of higher premiums and restricted access to prescription drugs. more

12 Comments on Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Screws Seniors with the Biggest Medicare Premium Increase Ever

  1. Should be a Constitutional Amendment Zero: “Whatever laws that Kongress shall pass to affect other people, shall also apply fully to themselves and their constituents as well, no cutouts or exemptions.”

  2. Gee, kind of reminds one of Obama’s response to the woman with an elderly grandmother who needed a pacemaker. Just make her comfortable til she dies.

    “Another way Part D insurers are cutting costs to afford the IRA is by adding more “prior authorization” requirements, pushing patients toward the cheapest therapies rather than the most effective ones.
    But some companies will just opt out entirely.”

    These so-called inexpensive Part D’s and such cost about $1000 month. Not inexpensive when you’ve retired and not expensive if you’re still working.
    No wonder so many seniors are Walmart greeters and the like.

  3. Washington mindset is that there’s no limit to what taxpayers will not accept. They will find out just as soon as taxpayers understand they are now tax slaves. Work any job you want, just pay Washington and your choice of states to rob you at any rate they want.

  4. There’s nothing that the Gooberment touches that it doesn’t royally FUBAR.

  5. Gas prices have come down a bit, and an Executive Order on border security is coming. If I didn’t know better, I would think there was an election coming up.

  6. That’s not inadvertent. The government “gives” Seniors reduced out of pocket. Then when Insurers increase premiums, the govt gets to berate the “greedy” insurers for “gouging”.

    Govt creates money out of thin air. It therefore assumes that prices are also simply arbitrary creations of manufacturers and retailers.


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