Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine – IOTW Report

Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine


I remember fondly the time when we didn’t have credible everyday talk about nuclear strikes clogging the relentless news cycle.

A simpler time, when talk of nuclear confrontation seemed a long-lost relic from the faraway cold war years.

All that is gone, and every single day, it seems, we have to carefully study statements by power players rushing the Armageddon clock to the midnight strike.

Today (7), once again Russian President Vladimir Putin delved into the theme, saying that there is no need to use nuclear weapons to deliver victory for Moscow in Ukraine. MORE

10 Comments on Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine

  1. Jackass Joe sez: “We’ll see about that!”

    Now that our military and economy have been “decimated” (the Obamboozler’s favorite word) China an Russia are just playing with the demented idiot to ramp things up!

  2. Putin has no need to use nukes as he crushes the West’s ukrainian wet dream.
    He’s saving them to use directly on NATO members if Shitpants crosses the line on his escalating rush to the Stupid Hall of Fame.

  3. Next week it’s all-out war.
    Commie-tard don’t know what to do. Threaten but butt,fuk-off. Total POS. Needs to die by any means necessary. Eat shit & die bitch.

  4. ^^^^^^

    Get that from the Anonotard. He uses the word Butt-F*ck or some form of that in most of his comments. What a creep-o.

    Russia gave up the Red Nightmare back in the 1990s’. If there are any serious commies left, they have grabbed, or intend on grabbing power in western Yurp and N. America.

    Unlike in the west, Russia doesn’t let perverts, half-wits, and various other abnormals run the gov’t and courts.

  5. “He’s right. All he need do is wait for vlod’s money nozzle to be shut.”

    What a dumb ass. The truth is Trump had Ruskies cash flow shut off. Where’s Russia cash flow come from? Energy. Who has more us or Russia? Us. Trump was exporting our energy, oil and natural gas, butt loads cheaper than Putin could sell it for. The introduction of the Petro Dollar. Nobody was buying Rusky energy and we were making a mint. Ruskies couldn’t afford to go to war. Putin is a mans man. The Trolls here would have no concept. Putin respect Trump because he was no pussy. Like the diaper killing tough guy that cheated his way in now that he currently needs to deal with. Remember that soccer ball exchange? I and a few others believe that was Putin signaling to the world DJT has the ball. There’s no other two peoples on the face of the earth that have more in common than us and the Ruskies. That’s a true statement. By the way, some outfit does a ranking of countries and their freedoms and Russia currently ranks higher than the good old USA. It would take me a bit but I can link it.
    On a side note, team USA and the Ruskies wrestling programs have been swapping wresters for about 20 years now. So in other words a Rusky will come over here and get coached by Dan Gable and one of our guys will go live with his counterparts family and get coached by what ever coach they have there. That programs never stopped. It’s still going on. Just a side note that I found interesting as hell but the wrestling community is a strange lot. They just love the hell out of the pain.
    Where was I? Oh yea, Trump’s petro dollar strategy. Not only did it work with the Russians but it also worked with the damn rag heads. This is why Obama Inc is shoveling cash to them as fast as he can. Change, and U.S. tax payer dollars, you can believe in.
    DJT and company strategized a way to stop every one from killing each other. And in turn cost the American and European elites a lot of money and we’re seeing the penalty for that now. Which included COVID. “Gain Of Function”.
    I’m praying DJT and Putin still have a back channel. Be pretty ironic if Putin had to liberate the United States Of America.


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