Joey Chestnut Is Out Of 2024 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest In Beef Over Vegan Franks – IOTW Report

Joey Chestnut Is Out Of 2024 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest In Beef Over Vegan Franks


The hot dog news from Coney Island is hard to swallow.

Joey Chestnut, perennial winner of the annual July 4th Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Competition, is out of this year’s beef barf over a deal he made to represent a different wiener brand, The Post has learned.

And not just any brand, but Impossible Foods, which recently launched a vegan frankfurter impostor made from plants.

California-born Chestnut has won it 16 times, including every year since 2016. He gobbled  a world’s record 76 dogs and buns in 2021 and kept his title with a paltry  62 down the hatch last year.

He was expected to once again take his usual spot for the hot dog contest on the stage at the corner of Stillwell and Surf avenues — one block from the famous Boardwalk and a Coney Island tradition since 1916 — until the unexpected food fight. more

They could always get Mitt Romney.

24 Comments on Joey Chestnut Is Out Of 2024 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest In Beef Over Vegan Franks

  1. Wasn’t Nathan’s paying him enough? I like an occasional hot dog, but I definitely draw the the line at a vegan dog. Hell, how about a beetle dog, or a worm dog? If I’m going to eat a hot dog it’s going to be an all beef dog. OK throw in a bit of pig. But vegan, or bugs? I don’t think so. I’m throwing away my autographed Joey Chestnut vomit bag!

  2. Vegan oh please. Hard to beat the real deal. Fake bacon, fake beef, fake hotdogs. Tell me why this is a good thing? A tried & true vegan totally avoids all animal intake. So why try it imitate it?
    Barf, barf. This is all bullshit.
    Why? Because alot of em are secret eaters of MEAT, baby.
    I say like fake sweeteners this shit will kill you, mark my words. Veggies or meat, this junk is garbage

  3. Forced and accepted Incrementalism, is how we got here.
    Nearly 100 years toward Progressivism acceptance.
    70 years of Increments toward liberalism acceptance.
    60 years years of Increments toward deviant sex practice acceptance.
    50 years of endless losing wars toward acceptance of failure – Vietnam, Iran & Afghanistan and numerous attempted coups and election interference in other Nations. !00s of Billions of tax dollars paid to the military industrial complex.
    20 years of attacks upon families, Christianity and life itself (abortion).
    5 years of acceptance of Transsexual mental illness.
    12 years of transforming the US into a failed state.
    4 years of ever increased inflation, open borders, illegal immigration, HUGE National Debt and increased taxes.
    50 years of incremental permeating of government, schools, universities and corporations of selective Racism.
    3 years of overt Incrementalism to White Males BAD.
    Nearly 100 years of absolute control the monetary system for the Nation controlled and manipulated by the Banking Industry (Federal Reserve).
    Now it’s plant based vegan burgers and hot dogs.
    They are forcing cattle/Pork farms to operated through government regulations, cutting production, eliminating processing plants by fire.
    You WILL EAT BUGS and you will like them!

    The List goes on incrementally toward our loss of God Given Rights, moving toward fascism/communism by altering national, state, regional and local Elections.

    The sheep are led to the slaughter step by incremental steps, slowly accepting the unacceptable.

  4. Joey Chestnut ain’t no hero except to the gluttons. What next a vomitorium next to the glutton fests where all the idiot contestants puke their guts up and immediately start over with their gluttony. We’re not quite like the ancient Romans yet but we’re getting pretty damn close to their depravity. No thanks!


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