Italian Paper Reports on Videos of Joe Biden’s Declining Health, ‘Rigid Movements’ – IOTW Report

Italian Paper Reports on Videos of Joe Biden’s Declining Health, ‘Rigid Movements’


Italy’s largest paper reported on a curious incident involving President Joe Biden during the G7 Summit with world leaders in Italy on Thursday.

Corriere Della Sera, a paper based in Melon and in circulation since the 1880s, reported a Thursday episode that appeared to show Biden wandering off into the distance before Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni turned him back to the group of world leaders watching a skydiving show. more

17 Comments on Italian Paper Reports on Videos of Joe Biden’s Declining Health, ‘Rigid Movements’

  1. Ive been in a lot of nursing homes in a lot of differerent capacities and I know from that WTF Im looking at here.

    And also that it wont last much longer, no matter what someone pumps into it.

  2. That photo at the top of the linked article:
    Joe: Hey honey, pull my finger.

    Giorgia: I don’t think so, that didn’t turn out so well at the D-day memorial when you shat your pants.

  3. Mad Celt
    SATURDAY, 15 JUNE 2024, 19:15 AT 7:15 PM
    “we keep hoping he’ll just wander off and get lost but somebody keeps finding him and bringing him back.”

    …The Italians dont want a pants-shitting demented incestuous child rapist loose in their countryside any more than WE do

    The difference is, they can force us to take him back.

  4. Yet the media tries to claim that Trump is deranged and Biden is in complete control and master of any situation. Who ya gonna believe? Them or your own lying eyes?

  5. I thought Joe was a BIT rigid a few days ago when he impersonated a wooden Indian at a five and dime store for 30 seconds while some soul music was playing.

    Maybe “They” forgot to give him a note card that said “MOVE WHEN THE MUSIC IS PLAYING.”

  6. Trial by jury? Are you lost, dazed & confused? Already happened, sentencing right before that horrible convention in the nice city of Milwaukee. Word is convention might be held at Rikers. Lock him up!

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