Guess Who Is One Shart Away From Mandatory Retirement? – IOTW Report

Guess Who Is One Shart Away From Mandatory Retirement?


President Finger-Diddle has been zipped to Camp David to spend the next seven days resting, rehearsing for the first debate, and shot-gunning whatever World Health Oraganizaion-sponsored, weird science cocktail they pour down President Corpus Delicti to keep him erect standing, which he will also have to rehearse.

35 Comments on Guess Who Is One Shart Away From Mandatory Retirement?

  1. Any joe biden* / moderating shill’s BINGO card will contain:
    January 6th
    Convicted Felon
    2020 Election Denial
    Will you accept the 2024 results?
    Inject Bleach
    Good people on both sides
    Putin’s Friend…

  2. This week they are experimenting with a new formula of stimulant cocktail that will keep him energized and cogent for the entire debate. Either that or they are fine tuning the newest mind control radio receiver embedded into his brain.
    President Trump just needs to figure out what to say to trigger him into going off script and into a rambling tirade of nonsense. Then the public will finally see how bad it really is.

  3. Headlines after debate:

    No debate about it, Biden wins debate

    Settled: Biden is younger than ever, beats Trump

    Trump looks old and frail as Biden whips him at debate

    Then the talking heads all explode when polls still show Trump ahead.

  4. In my mind this is not good. Expectations for Biden are in the basement. So if he’s successful at staying ERECT for 90 minutes it will come off as a victory. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t see a win win here for Trump. The Criminal News Network will paint Trump as the big mean felon bully.

  5. Current odds on what happens first during the debate:

    1:2 Utters a lie.
    5:1 Speaks Gobbledegook.
    11:1 Audibly sharts his Depends.
    23:1 Says “C’mon, man!”
    23:1 Falls asleep.

  6. I think Trump can goad the old fool into a petulant, incoherent rant that will only be re-played on conservative outlets.
    At least independents can see it happen live.

    I hope Trump is disciplined and comes in ready to have a good time.
    Be a happy warrior and let joe* shit himself.
    Post debate the left will make excuses.

  7. There won’t be a drug test, but asking for one is a good move since it let’s people know that joe* is an addled old fool that requires being doped up to withstand any kind of challenge.

    Personally I wouldn’t want a drug test to happen.
    Thinking back to OJ’s glove scenario…

  8. They’d only test for heroin, alcohol, fentanyl, you know all the depressants. None of that would be in Joe’s system anyhow. Then the media would blast Trump lies about Biden’s drug use.

  9. See what happens live? That all the photo shopped propaganda was all bs. That desperate people do despicable things. Is see Trump mumble-fuk incoherently live on camera for the world to see. Need more Adderall quick.

  10. The “moderators” will surly try to get Trump to violate his gag order by commenting on his phony convictions. SCOTUS will issue their decision the day before the debate on presidential immunity. I would expect them to uphold it, so when they hammer him about his other trials he can just say they’ve not been adjudicated. They’re going to try to get under his skin any way possible, but I think he’s unflappable.

  11. Trump should never have agreed to this debate. He should know very well now what happens when they hit him with unnecessary, unprecedented bullshit. Of course, some of it he has to roll with. But he can take a hard pass on all of the optional garbage they suggest. It’s all self-serving proggery, and if he wants to Make America Great Again, he needs to Make The Dems Try Again with different bullshit.

    Who advised him to accept this debate scheme?

  12. @Brad – only 60 minutes for this debate, one of the Biden camps requests. The drugs start wearing off after about an hour. And shitweasel Jake Tapper will do anything he can to help Old Joe, hell I’m sure Biden already has a list of the questions.

  13. Jethro

    I’m not sure. You can piss them off and hurt their feel feels really easy. Diogenes had one show up yesterday. You need to log in under google (or a few others) to have your name appear. If you click the icon associated with the name some info pops up. Including your most visited sites. Well this idiot had two. Jan’s place and another conservative site. I see them same thing on Instagram is spades. Some rude big mouth Libtards crashing a conservative sight and when you check their account they have zero posts, zero followers and a bazillion comments. They’r not very smart either. But they all do the same thing. Project. Exactly like the clown above. My question is, is someone organizing these losers to try and influence fence riders? It is a predictive response. Maybe just a really poor written AI. I dunno. I asked BFH once, didn’t get the response I was looking for. They seem like stupid humans to me. They are fun to bitch slap though.

  14. The debate scates me: I worry about the “deep fakes” the Demoncrats will generate from it. The truth and actual contents coming from Trump haven’t mattered before…and no one will be watching the debate for voting info, rather entertainment on a slow TV night…

  15. In a way, I’m hoping Harris becomes president, so such chaos erupts that people will get the message: NOTHING from the democrat party or the left is worth their “feel good” vote.

  16. trying to verbally make a call in my car:

    Hey Google. Call xxx name
    I’m sorry I don’t recognize that

    Hey Google. Call xxx
    I’m sorry I don’t recognize that
    it’s right there on the screen!
    I’m sorry I don’t recognize that.

    Oh fuck you!

    That did it, I got lectured about being polite to a damn robot that couldn’t understand a simple command!!!

  17. Brad
    SATURDAY, 22 JUNE 2024, 16:42 AT 4:42 PM
    “Wild Bill

    I think they will eventually blow his heart right out of his chest one of these days with all those drugs.”

    …not that I dont like the idea, but its so shriveled and black, how would you know if they DID?

  18. Bleeped, bleeped & more beeped.
    He makes little sense these days anyways. Mr Flippy-Flop changes his strategy on subjects on a daily basis. All over the place is an understatement. Happens when somebody thoughts are jumbled.

  19. “In a way, I’m hoping Harris becomes president, so such chaos erupts that people will get the message: NOTHING from the democrat party or the left is worth their “feel good” vote.”

    We said that about Biden. Whom after Kami? Get a grip.


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