What Is The Meaning Of Life? – IOTW Report

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

The Answer is Above The Sun.

29 Comments on What Is The Meaning Of Life?

  1. You never stop learnning and the older I get the more I learn how much I don’t know! Anyone who thinks there is no God is only fooling themselves by thinking they know everything.
    They don’t!

  2. Our lives only make sense when we live the life God intends for us to live. He created us and he knows us. We need to know that his son, Jesus, gave his life, was raised from the dead, and is sitting at God’s right hand waiting for us to believe he is who he said he is. Then our lives will have meaning. Only then, there is a future more glorious than we can imagine after we die.

  3. I would rather be wise with the wisdom of God than with the wisdom of man which has always failed me. I tried the wisdom of man when I was younger and found it to be hollow and empty of any meaningful purpose. It was only when God found me and saved me that I truly began to live. There is no other explanation of all the good and grace, mercy and forgiveness that has come to me in my 71 years with God as my rock and my salvation. I don’t even want to know what my life would’ve been without God except to say that my life would’ve been meaningless and frustration and emptiness at every turn leading to death and destruction in the end. Thank you, God that you saved a worthless wretch like me.

  4. The purpose of human existence is to transcend everything that is conditional existence and in so doing, to realize the divine reality that is the foundation of all material existence, that is beyond and behind all that is or ever will be.

  5. This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard: fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.—Ecclesiastes 12:131.

  6. Something is happening that I can’t explain except that I know God is on the move to bring back real godly wisdom back into everything that is wrong with what’s going on in the world now. I found myself awakened earlier about 2:30 AM to pray for wisdom about what is going on right now. We are in the in the midst of a spiritual war between the powers of good and evil and no one seems to be listening to God to ask for wisdom how to pray for the mess that we’re in because of the evil Biden administration and all of his liberal sychophant’s. I’m listening and trying to understand but not out of my own wisdom but to hear what God is saying but this is I know God is on the move and Biden is about to take a spectacular fall in front of the whole world despite everything that his henchman are trying to do to prop him up. I am not a prophet, but I believe that God has found Biden wanting and is about to remove him from his office as President because he will not listen or even hear the voice of God speaking to him that his time is up. Donald Trump on the other hand as flawed as he is I believe is a man after God’s heart and his love for America as it was founded. We are seeing a real-life spiritual battle between Saul/Biden and Trump/David played out in front of us and Saul is about to lose to David just like he did in the Old Testament. I can’t predict what will happen but all I know is that God will prevail, and Biden is down for the count and will lose spectacularly and neither he nor his handlers will know what hit them because they refuse to listen to the voice of God. We’ll just have to wait to see but I expect a miracle is about to happen for former President Trump and America to rid us of this evil man disguised as our so-called illegitimate President, Biden’s reign of terror is about to come to an end at God’s hand. May God have mercy on Biden because the American people can’t and won’t without God’s divine intervention.

  7. Do your best while on Earth and believe in God, and hopefully you can continue in Heaven. – Me

    If you don’t believe God exists at all, about the only hope you have at all is that he not be there. That’s your hope – Maybe he’s not there. What we’re saying is ‘We trust that he is.
    You are going to die. Don’t forget that.
    – Phil Roberson

  8. Most scientists are atheists, but there are some who see God’s design in everything. Evolution says pure chance can explain all life, and have been pushing Darwinism on us for over 150 years. The idea that pure chance can result in the amazing complexity of life has been statistically disproven. A good example is the blood clotting system.

    Materialists, atheists, and mainstream biologists have been very busy attacking the concept of Intelligent Design (ID) for more than a couple of decades now. They’re very alarmed about losing prestige and/or government funding.

    Along with being a false science, there is a line from Darwin (survival of the fittest) to Nazism and to the US euthanasia program. Darwinism will go down in flames.

  9. geoff the aardvark. Awesome comments clearly inspired by The Holy Spirit. I agree with everything you’ve stated. Your testimony is beautiful.
    Proof Revelation 12:11 is so true; “And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” because heaven is the eternal destination of the Faithful in Christ.

    Praying those who read your words humble themselves before the True and Living God through Christ for their salvation from sin and the separation from God. Claudia did a wonderful job presenting this Gospel – how to know God.

    Sadly, many people have no clue their choice to know God or not is a life or death decision. By reading your words, may The Holy Spirit draw them in to seek God and live for eternity.
    It’s so crutial during these dangerous/perilous times.

  10. Great comments, Tim Buktu. Leave it to Marxism to pervert the purpose of science. Real science confirms and does not contradict God’s creative methodology for EVERYTHING that exists.

  11. @99th.

    Thank you sir. The ID concept comes from some excellent scientists and philosophers of science on the ID side who have delved deeply into the weaknesses of Darwinism.

    Among them – Michael Behe, Steven Meyers, David Berlinski, and lots of others. Berlinski, who is not actually a creationist, has nonetheless driven holes through Darwinism you could drive an 18-wheeler through.

    These guys have put the Darwinistas on the defence while trying to stand up on very slippery ground.


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