Paradise to purgatory – IOTW Report

Paradise to purgatory

Victor Davis Hanson

NY Post

California has become a test case of the suicide of the West.

Never before has such a state, so rich in natural resources and endowed with such a bountiful human inheritance, self-destructed so rapidly.

How and why did California so utterly consume its unmatched natural and ancestral inheritance and end up as a warning to Western civilization of what might be in store for anyone who followed its nihilism?

The symptoms of the state’s suicide are indisputable.

Gov. Gavin Newsom enjoyed a recent $98 billion budget surplus — gifted from multibillion-dollar federal COVID-19 subsidies, the highest income and gas taxes in the nation, and among the country’s steepest sales and property taxes. more

18 Comments on Paradise to purgatory

  1. VDH is one of the most gifted men in the country. I read him all the time. The fact that almost 1/2 of all the welfare parasites in the country live in California should tell you something.

  2. I think the people that live there have done it to themselves. They vote for every crazy “Proposition” that comes along, and have decimated the Republican party in their state.

  3. “Did things just “get away” from the California libtards, or did they do it on purpose?”

    That’s a damn good question. If it wasn’t intentional they are the slowest learners ever.

    “I think the people that live there have done it to themselves. They vote for every crazy “Proposition” that comes along, and have decimated the Republican party in their state”

    We haven’t been able to vote on a proposition for about 7 years. Someone writes a whacked bill and our idiot Governor signs it. We have no say in the matter.

    We lost our right to vote. Libtards control the vote count in literally every county. California is a dictatorship.

  4. Went out there in the late 70’s with intentions to make California my new home address.
    Luckily my eyes were wide open and I realized the fuse had been lit and was approaching the powder.
    The only surprise so far is that it lasted this long.

  5. Visited California as a young man and thought it to be near perfect. Drive 100-miles in any direction and partake of almost any activity. Beautiful geography. Pity the liberals have utterly destroyed any motivation to live or visit there again. What comes out of California now crosses the line into sheer insanity, intentional destruction and living in a fantasy. There is simply no reason or rationality left there. And absolutely no common sense. It’s being lead by the Lizard King.

  6. Since the movie Chinatown was just celebrated for coming to the big screen 50 years ago this month (it relates to this discussion), it may be a worthwhile film noir for y’all to view again.

    I did a couple of weeks ago. Amazing, incredible performances, and LA in the 1930’s was captured beautifully in the costumes automobiles, the Hollywood mansions, the speech, the elegant smoking of cigarettes by everybody, everything as close to perfect as you can get in a movie.

    But back to business – the key to the plot is the water wars in Southern California in the 1930’s, and the Water District letting reservoir water flow into the ocean to bankrupt some citrus farmers in the “Northwest Valley” as they called it.

    Murders, crooked real estate deals, hoodlums, poor farmers, questionable politicians, etc.

    It has Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway, and the immortal last line: Forget it Jake, it’s [just] Chinatown. You could hardly ask for a better movie than that.

  7. @Brad

    I believe even some conservative led propositions that have been passed by the voters have been ignored by the Sacramento Politicians and government lifers.

    Somehow, they weaseled out of enforcing them.

  8. I believe San Diego has closed its beaches because the Tijuana River crosses the border into California and disgorges its contents out to the ocean on our side of the line. It’s our version of Paris’ Seine River. Don’t ask what’s in it and don’t go near it.

  9. Tim Buktu

    Me and the wife are born and raised. A rarity these days. We visited a place that we’re both thinking are refuge from the storm. Working our asses off to get there. The fam biz makes it a little tougher. We’re hoping to get there before the election.


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