“I feel violated” – Woman Describes Moment Male Employee Allegedly Walked In Female Locker Room At Planet Fitness – IOTW Report

“I feel violated” – Woman Describes Moment Male Employee Allegedly Walked In Female Locker Room At Planet Fitness

When reporting the incident to the front desk, staff allegedly told her to calm down as if they believed the issue was “not a big deal”.

18 Comments on “I feel violated” – Woman Describes Moment Male Employee Allegedly Walked In Female Locker Room At Planet Fitness

  1. She’s “totally not trying to be dramatic” while obviously trying to be very dramatic. The employee may have had a very good reason for being in the women’s locker room …. like unstopping a toilet or something. The viewers of this video don’t know that because she is being “totally dramatic”. I also think that she doesn’t have enough tattoos on her hand.

  2. Harry WEDNESDAY, 3 JULY 2024, 8:23 AT 8:23 AM

    Maintanance is done after hours or if it’s that urgent notify the women so they can leave and post signs that it is closed due to Maintenance

    I do maintenance at PF, and there’s a sign that is placed in the middle of the entrance stating that there is a man inside, after a walk thru by one of the female employees. I have had women walk in, while I am doing my job and not bat an eye, even going so far as saying “no worries”.
    Most of what is happening is hysteria in very isolated situations; keeping the pot stirred so the narrative doesn’t lose traction regardless the damage to all involved.

  3. Find another gym.
    (gymnasium actually means “to train naked” – you could look it up – the Greeks instituted naked work-outs after a woman in disguise had infiltrated one of the places where Olympic athletes trained)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Andy’s dad – My point is that at least it’s posted and no doubt there are women trying to take advantage of the situation today, as are men… and probably more so given the incidents that we’ve all read about. One thing is for sure, it ain’t 1960 any more!

  5. Back in the 60’s the old downtown YMCA in Spokane, Wash. was still allowing males to swim naked in their pool. The old Y also had an upstairs pool that caused the floorboards to warp from all the heat and humidity from the pool. The racquetball courts upstairs were also warped and made for an interesting playing surface. I didn’t use the Y pool much because I lived within a mile of one of the city pools which was more convenient because I could walk there, and it was probably safer. They tore that old Y down in the mid 60’s and built a newer one downtown right alongside the Spokane river that about 20 years or so ago the city found a family of beavers living underneath the foundation of the Y with access to the river.

  6. I don’t care if that was an isolated incident.
    If it happens at ONE Planet Fitness the company needs to make a public statement supporting safety of the women and teenagers and even the men who use their facilities and then they should immediately fire the people saying it’s no big deal and issue new training on safety and decorum.


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