Biden tells a Philadelphia radio station that he’s “proud” to be “the first black woman to serve with a black president” – IOTW Report

Biden tells a Philadelphia radio station that he’s “proud” to be “the first black woman to serve with a black president”

Joe Biden told black radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders that he’s proud to be the first black woman to serve with a black president.

18 Comments on Biden tells a Philadelphia radio station that he’s “proud” to be “the first black woman to serve with a black president”

  1. Can’t decide who is more pathetic.
    Biden making the ridiculous statement or the radio host who gives no push back and seems to agree with the statement.

  2. Different Tim
    FRIDAY, 5 JULY 2024, 8:15 AT 8:15 AM
    “Can’t decide who is more pathetic.
    Biden making the ridiculous statement or the radio host who gives no push back and seems to agree with the statement.”

    …if you spend time with the senile, as this radio person obviously has with Pedo, you realize pretty quick that pushback just leads into a field of rabbit holes with an emotionally unpredicable person who now feels challenged, so unless you want to spend the rest of the day playing “I Did Too!” with an 80 yo toddler, you just nod and smile and move on and hope you dont step on another verbal mine when you do…

  3. Bobcat…#3,432 on the Watchlist.
    FRIDAY, 5 JULY 2024, 8:22 AT 8:22 AM

    From the Comments
    “Joe’s good at Kissing Hands and S̶h̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ RAPING Babies”

  4. “But 90 minutes on stage does not erase what I’ve done for 3.5 years.”

    …no, it does NOT. NOTHING will.

    …but perhaps one day we’ll be able to reward it properly with a short, thick length of rope over a long drop…

  5. this may be the final election where a sane person participates as a candidate. from here on its a Monty Python skit full of assorted weirdos, perverts and ignoramuses.

  6. With the new presidunce being a transgendered gay freak named Gayus Dickus, sort of the like newest Dr. Who is bombing miserably and killing the Dr. Who franchise, no thanks to frigging disney. I saw this one coming after the last female Doctor Who was regenerated.

  7. Mad Celt
    FRIDAY, 5 JULY 2024, 8:50 AT 8:50 AM
    “this may be the final election where a sane person participates as a candidate. from here on its a Monty Python skit full of assorted weirdos, perverts and ignoramuses.”

    …it is ever thus in the affairs of Men. Power corrupts until only the corrupt have power, and the power of State becomes so great that the one who wields it the most ruthlessly is the one it devolves to; and the man becomes insane with power that no one dare challenge or even tell him the truth about what hes become until it destroys him from within and without, but only after a reign of terror.

    It is a very old story.

    And one that will endlessly repeat until Christ comes back.

    it goes something like this…

  8. We’re just wasting our time talking about Side Show Joe. The question people should be asking is: How hard is it for an enemy to take over a nation racked with chaos, mayhem and the democRAT shenanigans, nonsense and skullduggery of wildly looting the Treasury with synthetic solutions to synthetic crises including:
    Global Warming Crisis
    Virus Crisis
    Border Crisis
    Racism Crisis
    White Supremacy Crisis
    Reparations Crisis
    Gender Crisis
    Sexuality Crisis
    Poverty Crisis
    Grammer Crisis (pronouns)
    Gender crisis
    History Crisis (toppling statues)
    Culture Appropriation Crisis
    Cancel Culture Crisis
    A Muppet show Government with an administration that NEVER tells the truth while practicing a policy of never taking ownership of real problems they themselves have instigated and at all times Lie & Deny and blame the other guy!

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannd here’s the point – NONE of that is going to change by putting a new face on the democRAT ticket! The powers working behind a cardboard cut-out of a “President” will still be in control and up to their old tricks of subverting and weakening our nation!

  9. SNS “80 yo toddler” is right. When my brother finally slid further into dementia (the last two years of his life), I was his favorite target. I never knew when he would be triggered to turn into a spittle flecked, red faced, hulk who threatened to punch my lights out. I knew fear was not the answer, so I stood up to him, all 5 feet to his 6’2″, and told him, like a parent, to stop it. Most of the time, it worked. Other times, I just had to walk away.

    If anyone confronts Biden with his insanity, we have seen the rage in his face and hands, just like my brother. I see it in Biden. No one wants to be the target of his rage. Especially since he has the DOJ, FBI, etc on his side.

  10. Im sorry you had to live that, Lady C, but he was fortunate that you cared enough to do that at the end even if he didnt realize or understand that. May the Lord bless you and reward you for it in Heaven.

    Thank you, SNS. It took me about a year to process the grief after he died. But now I’m filled with joy knowing that he is in heaven with his Jesus that he loved so much. We will see each other again. – Claudia


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