Joe Biden Goes Rogue at 4th of July BBQ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Goes Rogue at 4th of July BBQ

You got me, man! I’m not going anywhere!” Biden shouted. “You know, I used to think, when I was a Senator, there was always congestion on the highways. There’s no congestion anymore! We go out on the highway and there’s no congestion!”

15 Comments on Joe Biden Goes Rogue at 4th of July BBQ

  1. What was said while the mic was muted?
    “I think I need my diaper changed”.
    You know once he jogged up the stairs, it would be smeared all up his back.
    Sorry, eyebleach image.

  2. @SNS:

    …why, oh why cant there be congestion in his coronary arteries…

    Dare we hope…for gridlock?

    4:00 PM TO 10:00 AM

  3. Uncle Al
    FRIDAY, 5 JULY 2024, 12:43 AT 12:43 PM

    …why, oh why cant there be congestion in his coronary arteries…

    “Dare we hope…for gridlock?

    4:00 PM TO 10:00 AM”

    …I think his NB carotids have been running slow for quite some time, jamming up the bile he uses for blood in his Circle of Willis, making it like a roundabout at high tea for the lowlife…

  4. He was hyped up on something during that so called speech. Probably from his Alzheimers med regiment. High as a kite, “Get Off My Lawn” Grandpa Joe. Shouting and skipping his way through disjointed comments.

    Nothing can fix his communication skills which are deteriorating. He’s losing the ability to speak his now, disconnected thoughts.

    No sympathy for this destructive, evil cretin who’s a prominent member of the cabal. He’s a humiliation and curse on The United States that was allowed to happen.


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