German Medic Blows the Whistle on Mercenaries Fighting for Ukraine Killing Russian POWs – IOTW Report

German Medic Blows the Whistle on Mercenaries Fighting for Ukraine Killing Russian POWs


Whistle-blowing is not a common activity among the mercenary soldiers fighting for Ukraine, and it’s viewed as something akin to treason.

But that did not stop Caspar Grosse, a disenchanted German medic from the ‘Chosen’ company, to do exactly that.

Grosse was serving in the unit of ‘international volunteers’ that is led by an American, and he told the NYT how he saw a wounded and unarmed Russian soldier seeking help from his captors.

The Russians plead for medical attention in a mix of broken English and Russian. That is when, a mercenary soldier fired his weapon into the Russian soldier’s torso. more here

7 Comments on German Medic Blows the Whistle on Mercenaries Fighting for Ukraine Killing Russian POWs

  1. …during the Battle of the Bulge, SS troops were under orders to execute prisoners so as not to be burdened by them in a vain attempt to meet their impossible timeline in one last desperate throw of the dice.

    Our troops, on learning this, returned the favor.

    …if the Russians choose to kill surrendering Ukes – and there will be many – after this, the precident has been set.

    By us.

    …theres one law that predates the Geneva Convention.

    An eye for an eye, from the Old Testament.

  2. @Wylie1…

    True. And whatever they print about Ukraine is there because the CIA wants it there. Something else is going on beyond this story of a “German whistleblower”. This stuff didn’t happen just yesterday. Ukrops have been killing Russian prisoners for two years, without notice by western media. Why is it bring pushed by NYT now?

  3. The NYT is perhaps laying the groundwork for an exit strategy out of Ukraine. Preparing the public for what’s to come.

    Once the NYT prints it liberals will fall in line like they always do.

    After reading it liberals will start saying things like: Well, I don’t know about this Ukraine thing after all. I’ll write a letter to the Times, that’s what I’ll do. I’ll tell them there is a bunch of murderous Nazis fighting for Ukraine.

    When FDR, JFK, Clinton, Obama. etc., whispered in the ear of the NYT, it replied, Yes Sir, Right Away Sir.

  4. An army under a morally corrupt government is going to do that. The Ukraine government the CIA helped to install in Ukraine was not chosen despite being compromised of morrally corrupt individuals, it was hand selected precisely because they are absolutely and without reservation morally corrupt.


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