Radio Host Reveals White House Provided Questions Ahead of Time Following Biden’s Gaffe Claiming to Be ‘First Black Woman to Serve with a Black President.’ – IOTW Report

Radio Host Reveals White House Provided Questions Ahead of Time Following Biden’s Gaffe Claiming to Be ‘First Black Woman to Serve with a Black President.’


Radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who recently interviewed Joe Biden following his disastrous performance at the previous week’s debate, has confirmed that the questions she posed to Biden were provided by the White House ahead of time.

Biden participated in two pre-recorded interviews after the debate; one with Wisconsin-based WAUK and another with Philly-based WURD. Both interviews aired on Thursday morning.

In both instances, Biden seemed to struggle with articulating his thoughts clearly.

During the interview with WURD, Biden told Lawful-Sanders that he was proud to be the first black woman to serve with a black president. more

13 Comments on Radio Host Reveals White House Provided Questions Ahead of Time Following Biden’s Gaffe Claiming to Be ‘First Black Woman to Serve with a Black President.’

  1. At the risk of defending Joetato, his mutterings were all incomplete sentences and ramblings that probably made sense but you have to read into what he said, and finish his thoughts for him, so it may just be my ideas. But the man can’t drive a train of thought.

    So, I do not care how sharp he is, the discussion is his inability to project strength and stamina. Weakness, or the appearance of weakness, is not to be accepted in a U.S. President.

  2. “… the questions she posed to Biden were provided by the White House …”

    That she agreed to this screams volumes about the state of our fake “news” media.

    She is complicit (by her own admission) in the treason that is Joe Biden.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The damnable thing is that the media has known the truth about this moron for years and chose to hide it from the people. In the first live, unedited appearance at the debate the truth was finally out. He has at least 200 days until the next inauguration. What do you suppose our enemies are going to do in that time?

  4. The damnable thing is that the media has known the truth about this moron for years…

    Exactly right. I’ve said for years that they’ve known that Jackass has been off his trolley for decades and here’s why: They are in the business to know! They have the Inside Baseball info on what goes on in Washington. Hell I’m no genius, but if I know… THEY HAVE TO KNOW! And rather than the Paid Liars in Washington worrying about leaks and scandals, they just turned the Media into Paid Liars to look the other way or distract with to run cover for them which is why I call them the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media. It’s just that simple!

    As far as our enemies are concerned, I think they’re pulling a Rope-A-Dope and what bigger Dope is there than Jackass Joe to pull it on!

  5. Remember when the Obamboozler was President and NOBODY wanted anything to happen to him for fear that fuking brain-dead moron Jackass Joe would have take over?
    And way before that Robin Williams took the Jackass to the woodshed for being an idiot! Yeah, the Media knew just like anyone paying the sightest attention knew!

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