Of Death Squads, Dementia, and Desperation – IOTW Report

Of Death Squads, Dementia, and Desperation

Declassified with Julie Kelly

It all started with what might be the dumbest hypothetical ever presented during any court proceeding in the history of ever.

Barely a minute into oral arguments last January related to the question of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution, a judge on the D.C. federal appellate court interrupted the lawyer representing Donald Trump to ask if such immunity would cover an attempt to kill an opponent. “Could a president order Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival?” Judge Florence Pan, appointed to the court by Joe Biden in 2021, inquired.

As Trump’s attorney attempted to answer, Pan again cut him off. “I asked you a yes or no question. Could a president who ordered Seal Team Six assassinate a political rival who was not impeached, would he be subject to criminal prosecution?” more here

15 Comments on Of Death Squads, Dementia, and Desperation

  1. Social Media is full of Libtards speaking Liberish about how if Trump get’s back in he’ll kill anyone that’s not MAGA with Seal Team Six.

    I’ve replied a few times that Presidential Immunity has been around for ever. Trump had it his first term. Biden has it now. Biden tried to strip Trump of his so he could prosecute his competition. Nothing has changed, all modern Presidents have had Presidential Immunity.
    Standard reply:
    “You don’t know what you’re talking about asshole.”
    Social Media is a waste of time. Why bother?

  2. Answer: Only if you are a Democrat can full immunity ever be given because only they (the party of baby killing and slavery-protection) have pure motives upholding democratic ideals….

  3. I propose two new words.

    The first word, in the case of triggered women proposing torrid fantasies in response to reasoned deliberations: “Hysteretical scenarios”

    The second word, in the case of triggered men proposing torrid fantasy scenarios in response to reasoned deliberation: “Hypotestical scenarios”

  4. Imagine asking (pre-Obama) if the democrats would corrupt the legal system to put a former president and current candidate in prison? Or that candidate’s staff? Now, imagine the genocide against us the left jerks off to every night.

  5. The Dems are using this fake hysteria, accusing Trump of possessing their own murderous impulses, to play a verbal trick of conflating immunity with impunity.

  6. Democrats aka communists aka pedophile supporters must, by their nefarious nature, lie and distort. They twist and combine the definitions of ‘Official Duty” and “deliberate criminal action”. They lie by distortion. A deliberate criminal action is not “official duty”. Democrat is a synonym for liar. As their demigod ordered in his book ” Mein Kampf” – “spread das grande luge” until the lie becomes the truth.

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