Alec Baldwin about to go on trial in the death of “Rust” cinematographer. Here are key things to know. – IOTW Report

Alec Baldwin about to go on trial in the death of “Rust” cinematographer. Here are key things to know.


Nearly three years after cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was shot and killed on the New Mexico set of the film “Rust,” Alec Baldwin is going on trial over her death. Here are the essential things to know.

The actor is about to enter a New Mexico courtroom for the first time since the Oct. 21, 2021 shooting. He is charged with felony involuntary manslaughter. If a jury unanimously convicts him, he could get 18 months in prison.

Baldwin, the star and co-producer of the Western, was pointing a revolver at Hutchins during a rehearsal in a small church on the movie set at Bonanza Creek Ranch when the gun went off, killing her and wounding director Joel Souza. Baldwin has said he pulled back the hammer — but not the trigger — and the gun fired. more

51 Comments on Alec Baldwin about to go on trial in the death of “Rust” cinematographer. Here are key things to know.

  1. That’s not much of a defense, since pointing a weapon at someone and pulling back the hammer is being extremely careless with that other person’s safety. And claiming you didn’t know it was loaded is no defense either since as the person wielding the gun, you are responsible to know the status of the chamber before pointing at someone and messing with any part of the firing mechanism.

  2. Dumbass!
    The other three Rules of Gun Handling and Safety follow from Rule One.
    I hope he gets slammed, both criminally and civilly.

  3. Morons & Guns
    Hope they instal an ankle monitor on him and send him to Bessemer, Alabama for life where he can experience robbery, forcible rape and murder first hand!
    The ghost of Casey Kasem sez: Keep your head on a swivel and keep reachin for the Imodium!

  4. “Alec Baldwin is going on trial over her death…”

    Alec Baldwin is going on trial FOR her death, CBS. What is this minimizing, mealy-mouthed “over” bullshit? Nobody goes on trial “over” something, ladies. He’s not a poor little scapegoat.

  5. I would vote “Not Guilty” because it was a prop gun that the armorer provided him to use on the set.
    He had ZERO reason to believe the gun was loaded with LIVE rounds or the ability of the prop gun to FIRE live rounds.

    If it comes out that he took the gun from the armorer’s trailer or whatever without a chain of command release, then I would consider manslaughter.
    All the rest of it is simply noise.

    BTW, I hate the bastard, yet unlike the libtards I am a fair judge…

  6. “I would vote “Not Guilty” because it was a prop gun that the armorer provided him to use on the set.”

    It’s not really a “PROP GUN” if it’s capable of shooting real ammo is it? Maybe she’s not really dead. It was only a prop gun.

  7. I’m curious as to how many prop guns have been handed to Alec during his acting career that never fired a live round?
    Guns don’t kill people, ARMORERS who allow live-firing weaponry on set THAT CONTAIN LIVE ROUNDS KILL PEOPLE!

  8. “It was a gun used on a movie set, therefore a “prop gun” is the proper terminology in this instance.”

    Only for non gun people like Alec and yourself. If it shoot live ammo it’s not a toy.

  9. From what I understand, the bullet went through another director or person on the set before hitting her.
    Halyna being the cinematographer, she was setting the camera perspective of the scene.
    Alec “aiming” at her is a red herring.
    A lot of false info on this thread already.
    Hell, reminds of what Trump went through.
    Good grief!

  10. Loco sez…”It was a gun used on a movie set, therefore a “prop gun” is the proper terminology in this instance.”….What does that even mean?????….A gun has to fire to fire blanks. Example: the trigger and hammer both work like a “real” gun….And by the way dumbass, actual real guns are used on movie sets according to my stuntman buddy who just did some driving for Sly Stallone on his new series Tulsa King….Alec and the armorer are both guilty of manslaughter!…

  11. “when the gun went off” my aching ass.

    A decade or so ago a kid in a school was supposedly shot with an H&K P7 that fell out of a backpack and just “went off.” I’m not buying it.

  12. Ummmm… Loco, I get it that you don’t think Alec is responsible, but as head producer he is responsible for everything related to the movie and what happens on the set. Maybe a young “armorer”, who doesn’t know the difference between a live round and a blank, shouldn’t have been hired on the cheap instead of an experienced Armorer, but the fact is, he didn’t check the gun (or maybe he did and is just as ignorant as the inexperienced armorer) but he pulled the trigger and intentionally or not (irrelevant) he killed Halyna.

  13. Loco sez..”A lot of false info on this thread already.”……What don’t you understand about Alec had the gun in his hand, pulled the hammer back, probably pulled the trigger, the gun went off, it had a live round in it and the lady died because of him holding the gun. He’s an arrogant, hollywood, doucebag that won’t admit his responsibility, who can’t win this case without abusing the lawfare privilege he can afford…..

  14. Harry, I believe Alec will be held accountable in a civil suit.
    The burden of proof is different, and “liability” comes into play.

    It’s not Alec’s job to clear weapons for usage, inspect the set lighting, test drive vehicles for safety etc.
    He is an actor.
    Please show me in any actor’s contract their responsibility for anything but acting.
    The armorer is on set for a reason.

    Question: Did Al Pacino inspect all the weaponry in Scarface?
    Does Clint Eastwood in all his movies?
    Especially one like The Gauntlet where over 100,000 rounds, real or otherwise, were fired?
    The answer is no…

  15. Loco – The fact is that Alec is the HEAD PRODUCER and the producer’s job is to create a good working environment and they constantly communicate with everyone to make everything run smoothly. They have ultimate legal responsibilities for the health and safety of the crew on set and delivery of a completed film at the end of the production process. Additionally, as Brad mentioned, this IgnorAnus was brandishing a weapon and shooting at cast members with blanks. That right there is “contributing evidence” in addition to not checking the gun, pulling the trigger and killing someone. Anyway you want to slice it, it is murder and the only real question remaining is what kind.

  16. Well Harry, as Head Producer must he inspect the work of all the employees on the set?
    Of course not.
    “Hang on, I have to climb up and inspect that lighting truss”
    He delegates responsibilities.

    BTW, the Armorer was ALREADY found LIABLE for the death of Halyna.
    I know that is an inconvenient fact and causing butt-hurt for some on the thread, but it’s true.
    Gun safety was her job, she failed in a tragic fashion.

  17. “I’m curious as to how many prop guns have been handed to Alec during his acting career that never fired a live round?”

    Let’s flip that around a bit. Imagine all the weapons fired in every western made. From Gabby Hayes and John Wayne back in the 30’s. Show’s like Wagon Train, Have Gun Will Travel, Bonanza, The Wild Wild West, on and on and on. And it took the dip shit Alec to finally murder someone on set.

  18. Loco sez..”It’s not Alec’s job to clear weapons for usage, inspect the set lighting, test drive vehicles for safety etc.”…That’s complete bullshit!….My stuntman buddy goes over every piece of equipment that he is issued. He mostly drives now so he goes over the cars and safety equipment with a fine toothed comb….HIS FUCKING LIFE (AND OTHERS LIVES) DEPEND ON IT!!!!…..

  19. Harry, it seems you did not read what I wrote above.
    I’m not going to repeat myself.

    willysgoatgruff sez: something stupid by comparing an ACTOR’s responsibilities to a STUNTMAN’S.

    Good grief, am I the only sentient lifeform on this thread?
    Have at it fellas, my work is done here…

  20. Loco sez…”willysgoatgruff sez: something stupid by comparing an ACTOR’s responsibilities to a STUNTMAN’S.”….A stuntman IS AN ACTOR or would you call them a “prop actor”???….

  21. What’s the first thing you do when the expert at the gun store/range hands you a gun from the display case after he clears the weapon?
    Me? I clear it again. Same if a friend hands me one, no matter how experienced he is.
    It is my responsibility to clear that weapon I will have in my hand and I would be foolish to rely on someone else to do so for me. Someone could get shot that way.
    My responsibility!
    I could care less about Baldwin but I hope he is haunted by his actions.

  22. What we have here, @Loco, is simply a difference of opinion. You’ve already said, “…I believe Alec will be held accountable in a civil suit,” so it’s clear you believe it likely that Baldwin shares some responsibility with the armorer for Hutchin’s death. The difference arises in whether he shares criminal responsibility as well. The judge has already decided that there exists enough evidence of Baldwin’s criminality that the matter should go to trial and a jury should decide whether he’s guilty or not. I agree with the judge. You obviously don’t agree. So I guess it comes down to who knows more about New Mexico statutory and case law about negligent homicide, you or the judge. While I respect you generally as a generally knowledgeable man, I’m going with the judge in this case.

  23. There have been plenty of people who have claimed to watch him wave the guns around and pointing it at people and even firing the gun with blanks WHILE POINTING AT PEOPLE.

    When the person responsible for the prop guns was instructing the staff on how to properly handle the guns, he wasn’t paying attention and continued to use his gun as a “pointer” AT PEOPLE.

    That is why they reinstated the charges of involuntary manslaughter after they dismissed the charges. They have plenty of witnesses of his erratic behavior.

  24. maxx

    Text book. I carry a gun everyday. For 20 years. Now granted, it’s not a prop gun, but it’s never gone off by itself and murdered innocent woman.
    Why do we clear a weapon after a gun “expert” hand us an unloaded gun? Here’s a good story. The guy I go to for my carry permit is a post certified trainer. He trains the SWAT guys. Two years ago he was cleaning his Glock and suffered the error in the design. What’s the last thing you do before you pull the slide off a Glock. De cock it. AKA pull the trigger. Boom. You can’t be too careful around firearms. Alec thought they were a joke and Alec was writing the pay checks. Alec set the mood and tenor of gun safety. Several production peeps, including the one that was murdered threatened to walk off the set if more strict gun safety practices were not followed. Now she’s dead. I’ve also read that when scenes like where she was murdered by Alec are filmed, production staff are supposed to be behind the camera shielded by 1.5 inches of plexiglass. That’s not too tough to confi
    rm. If the Armorer was doing her job she should have walked off the set and quit. Bottom line, we have a bunch of gun hating Libtards filming a movie glorifying guns for personal profit. And what happens? They kill each other. And if you have issue with that statement your thinking with the right side of your brain.

  25. Part of this whole scene is that Hollywood loves violence. Of course, I liked the Dirty Harry movies as much as anyone. OTOH, I guess I could have lived OK without seeing any violent movies.

    I must admit watching people blast each other away is exciting. Sometimes, when watching someone get blown away in a movie, I’d start to laugh, to my wife’s great annoyance and astonishment.

    Who would pay money to see a movie about peaceful lambs grazing in a pasture? Although there was “March of the Penguins” which was very good.

  26. Alec Baldwin pointed a gun at Haylna Hutchins and pulled the trigger,
    Haylna Hutchins is dead…
    What more needs to be said?

    If you want….Baldwin emphatically claims he only pulled the hammer back but NEVER pulled the trigger.

    Get your gun out of moth balls, load it up, pull the hammer back and let it go before it latches, (which requires the pulling of the trigger), the hammer will have enough force to set off the round without futher ado. Case closed.

  27. Who remembers actor Jon Hexam? A nice looking fellow who blew his brains out while fooling around with a prop gun. It was not a real gun according to news reports, but still it was powerful enough to kill him.

  28. ^^^^^

    On checking the story again, it was a real gun, but loaded with a blank. It was a revolver and he played Russian Roulette. His luck ran out that unfortunate day.

  29. Tim Buktu

    Just so you know, Jon Hexam killed himself with a blank. Pressed tight to his temple. A funny joke. Right brain thinkers and Democrats should not be allowed near guns. That’s a true story.


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