Biden Admits to Doing ‘Wars Around the World’ – IOTW Report

Biden Admits to Doing ‘Wars Around the World’

Breitbart: President Joe Biden admitted in an interview meant to prove his mental acuity after a disastrous debate performance he was doing “wars around the world.”

Biden asserted in the exchange with ABC News that former President Donald Trump was a “pathological liar” and he would challenge him in a way he has never been challenged.

ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos then responded, “You’ve had months to challenge him.”

Biden retorted he had not yet because he was busy “doin’ a hell of a lot of other things, like wars around the world.” MORE

12 Comments on Biden Admits to Doing ‘Wars Around the World’

  1. ABC democRAT Political Operative George Stephanopoulos is now asking the “hard” questions… riiiiiight!
    Remember when Jackass Joe told Katie Couric: “When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television to inform them… and Couric didn’t flinch, look around, react or challenge him in any way that Roosevelt was NOT president in 1929 nor that TV wasn’t even around yet! That just makes her “In-The-Tank” or incredibly stupid! There is simply no gray area on that one!! That was 2008, 16 years ago! Where the hell were they almost forty years ago when he was a lying, fukin plagiarist in the eighties? A plagiarist is someone who cheats because he doesn’t have the smarts to come up with an original idea… pretty ironic for the guy with quote: “highest IQ in the room”! The man is missing a frontal lobe and it’s only gotten worse since the rest of his brain got on the train to Fuckthatville! Look, if I knew the guy was a phony blowhard back then, surely the Media knows it too! After all, they’re in the business to know!! So what does that make them, Stupid or In-The-Tank Conniving Communists… and does it really matter cuz being either (or both) is not exactly a glowing compliment!

  2. Biden’s mental decline is such that he genuinely cannot distinguish between the importance of ‘wars around the world’ and the desirability of wars around the world. That tell is more telling than a lot of the tells already told by the poor senile old fellow.

    I have no sympathy for the man, he’s an enthusiastic participant in all manner of criminality and perversion over the years up to and including the present day and is an active participant in the cover up of his cognitive enfeeblement.

    Were justice available his neck would feel the burn of hemp rope along with many many others.

  3. LOL, won’t be long now when EVERYONE will be saying “FUCK JOE BIDEN”.

    What a legacy. That, Ray-Bans, and ice cream cones. 🤡

  4. Dementia Joe’s Swiss cheese brain is a strange, twisted gift that keeps on giving. He’s going to keep, unintentionally (unfiltered) exposing the Deep State’s secrets, including the fact Obama is the defacto U.S. President during Biden’s term in office.


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