Biden tells Dems he ‘declines’ to step aside and says it’s time for party drama ‘to end’ – IOTW Report

Biden tells Dems he ‘declines’ to step aside and says it’s time for party drama ‘to end’

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden, in a letter to congressional Democrats, stood firm against calls for him to drop his candidacy and called for an “end” to the intraparty drama that has torn apart Democrats about whether he should stay in the race after his dismal public debate performance.

Biden wrote in the two-page letter Monday that “the question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now. And it’s time for it to end.” He stressed that the party has “one job,” which is to defeat presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump in November.

“We have 42 days to the Democratic Convention and 119 days to the general election,” Biden said in the letter. “Any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us. It’s time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump.”

The letter was sent from the campaign to Democratic lawmakers as they return to Washington following the July 4 recess. more

23 Comments on Biden tells Dems he ‘declines’ to step aside and says it’s time for party drama ‘to end’

  1. Laying aside the whole elder abuse aspect of this as well as the danger to the country of not actually knowing who is in charge… this entire fiasco is fascinating because of how bewildered about what to do about it the Dems seem to be. It is so rare for them to not be in lockstep.

  2. …I notice his WHOLE focus is to “defeat Donald Trump”.

    Nothing about fixing the damage thats been done through him to this Nation, her military, her economy, or her people.

    Nothing about restoring the Rule Of Law he has joined in tearing down.

    Nothing but “Get Trump”.

    …its almost like he has no accomplishments, no positives, no good ideas to run on, nothing to suggest building up, just tearing down one man because that one man stands in the way of the globalist agenda, its almost like he has NOTHING to run on but hate…

  3. It was the right move. It puts any Dem who wants to replace him on the defensive, and ensures that the only way he will be removed is by 25th Amendment – which they won’t do until he’s literally in a coma, because GOP wouldn’t approve Kamala’s VP nominee, putting Johnson second in line. It ensures that ballots get printed (both legal and illegal ones).
    Of course that means that Joek has to beat Trump in November. Will he show up for the second debate? Will the ballot box stuffers succeed in winning the pivotal states? We shall see. But Joek is the Dem nominee, and will remain so.

  4. Jill wants 4 more years to burn through taxpayer money.
    That’s a lot of diaper changes.

    Did you know Biden’s staff numbers 560 @ $60.8 million?
    Jill’s staff, includes advisers in foreign policy, education and healthcare, comes in at a price tag of $2.5 million

  5. SNS Jackass Joe has destroyed this country in so many ways it’s hard to keep track! Everyday the hatch some new scheme to loot the Treasury with! Granted, we all know it is the Communists working behind a cardboard cut-out of a “President”, but it has the name of “Biden” on it, so he owns it.
    This Jackass of a so-called Administration has so far:
    Destroyed our Energy sources
    Destroyed the Economy
    Destroyed the Dollar
    Destroyed the entire Supply Chain
    Destroyed employment
    Destroyed our Military
    Destroying our Foreign Policy
    Destroyed our Police forces
    Destroyed our big cities
    Destroyed our Southern Border
    Destroyed our entire Immigration process
    Destroyed agreements
    Destroyed the World’s confidence in the United States of America!
    Looting the Treasury at every turn
    Yet NONE of this is ever mentioned in the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-pad “Media” All they and the demented old bastard can to is denigrate and smear Trump. The real issues are ignored and even lied about as some sort of “Accomplishment”. We’re all being pissed on and told it’s just raining!

  6. Try THIS if you get fired.

    Work: Your perfomance sucks and youre not improving. You also get very arrogant and mouthy when we try to correct you. You’re fired.

    You: Nope, Im not going anywhere. Lets put this behind us and agree that Im the boss, so we can talk about what you can do for me.

    …Im guessing that wont work for anyone else…

  7. biden tells Dems he declines….
    …yup, we’ve all witnessed the decline.

    Only question is how low will he go?
    And will the Dems fight him taking all his crook buddies down with him?

  8. Tell me you didn’t really expect this useful idiot to realize he’s completed his role as the useful idiot.

    Let Potatohead’s demise be a lesson for ALL the criminal leftists!!

  9. He should be allowed to continue. To decline to allow him to run would mean he must be removed from office now. Unfit to run more than equals unfit to serve. This would leave the poor long suffering lady liberty in the hands of the whore from Fontana… or City of Industry… or wherever the ginch did most of her whoring… sorry Fontana and City of Industry if you weren’t involved.

    The democrats should leave him in place, accept the election is lost and really, go boil their heads, one and all!

  10. I predict that because of Bird flu or some other made-up emergency, the next debate (if there is one) will be done remotely like a zoom meeting, so Joe can have a teleprompter giving him the answers. Either that or his handlers will use an AI version ready by then.

    This whole debacle would be hilarious if it weren’t for the fact that the whole world is teetering in the balance. I guess we are all now ridin’ with Biden. God help us.


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