JD Vance: America Is a Nation of Citizens, Not Just an Idea – IOTW Report

JD Vance: America Is a Nation of Citizens, Not Just an Idea


America is a nation of citizens, not just an idea, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) declared as he accepted the party’s nomination to serve as President Donald Trump’s vice president.

“One of the things that you hear people say sometimes is that “America is an idea,” Vance said from the podium, adding:

And to be clear, America was indeed founded on brilliant ideas like the rule of law and religious liberty, things written into the fabric of our Constitution and our nation. But America is not just an idea. It is a group of people with a shared history and a common future. It is, in short, a nation.

Vance’s emphasis on a shared American nationality in a hybrid society was cheered by the audience and echoed prior comments from 99-year-old World War II veteran William Peckrul. more

15 Comments on JD Vance: America Is a Nation of Citizens, Not Just an Idea

  1. Anontrooper, yeah Sundance hates him, but maybe Sundance should square away how he said if Trump picked him then it shows Trump is compromised.
    Yesterday he had another post of how Vance was going to be pushing for a carbon tax because Elon Musk tweeted we should have carbon tax. Yet Trump clearly said in speech last night the green shit was a scam.

    Frankly I think Sundance should shut the hell up. Too many people hang on every word he says, how many of those people will war with whether they should vote or not?

    I have personal feelings and doubts, but guess what I have shut the hell up about those personal feelings and doubts because I don’t want 4 more of years of the shit we have now.

    I hope like hell Sundance ends up with mud on his face and for once I hope he’s a big enough man to admit he was wrong.
    People change, I certainly am not the same person I was at 25 or 30, then I was still a democrat who blindly voted for anyone who was a democrat because I was raised to vote for democrats. I hung out with only democrats, I went to democrat functions, several in my family had been democrat delegates. I say often being on the other side, rubbing elbows with them and waking up to see them for what they are is how I spotted the establishment long before lifelong Republicans did.

  2. He wrote for National Review and counts David Frum among his mentors. I am afraid Sundance is right, and Vance is the latest Paul Ryan or Mike Pence. I can’t say who would have been a better pick, but I think PDT will regret this one.

    They all say the right things, until the rubber meets the road. I don’t know exactly why, but I get this feeling that Vance looks down on Trump, is a little full of himself and will not turn out to be a faithful ally as VP. Hope I am wrong.

  3. Thirdtwin and a person who helped shape who I am and gave me a start in life was a lifelong democrat. Again people change as they get older.
    Also if Sundance is all knowing how do you feel about Trump being compromised?
    His whole name change stuff is just ridiculous. He had no Dad, he had a lot of stepdads, he finally took his Mom’s maiden name. That is very common with many people in this country who didn’t have a home with a mom and Dad.

  4. American’s are too short sighted. They automatically think the VP will be in line to be the next President. Some have most haven’t been elected President. I am not impressed with Vance, but I am not voting for him I am voting for Trump. The next four years we will see Vance’s true nature for better or worse. There will be other potential candidates for President emerge.

    My concern about Vance is the fact that he has invested heavily in AmplifyBio, an mRNA gene therapy company. Given the treachery our government foisted upon us with the Covid EUA and mRNA shots I have to question whether he will try to protect Big Pharma since he is heavily invested in it. Also questionable is the fact that the Paypal mafia, Theil Musk et al, is heavily invested in him as a politician. The Paypal mafia’s companies are big pigs at the government trough slurping up taxpayer money to build the surveillance state apparatus framework. Watch what Vance does, not what he says. If he’s all hat and no cattle we make him a footnote in history. Time will tell.

  5. ORWW, I was a Democrat, voted for Carter in 80, Mondale in 84. I didn’t vote GOP until Slick Willie. So I know a little about change, and I’m not basing what I say on anything Sundance says. I haven’t read a thing he’s written since 2020, until today. But I have had misgivings about Vance for some time, long before he was picked for VP, and Sundance makes some good points.

    The fact is that PDT has a shallow pool of talent to draw on, just like last time, only it’s worse now, because people have seen what happens to Trump allies who cross the deep state. So PDT will undoubtedly have more plants presented as Cabinet options this time, and fewer good people willing to face potential destruction by lawfare and the media. I am cautiously hopeful about Vance, but they still have to win in November, so we will see what shakes out.

  6. There appears to be some sort of unspoken Vice Presidential immunity from prosecution. Pence, Biden, Cheney etc. Spiro Agnew should probably get a posthumous pardon.

  7. Brad, my problem is he has many who listen to him and believe every word he says. Then they share his crap in comment sections across the internet as well as on Social Media.
    He wasn’t such a pompous ass or have the god complex he has now until he grew and got too big for his britches. Honestly when I first found the site, he was down to earth and had actual conversations with you. Then I started noticing the change and the bigger the site grew the worse he got. He has been wrong about half the time, but he claims he’s always right and he plays them like a cult leader.

    You know we’ve had our arguments and disagreements on a certain person and things they’ve said, but now it’s time to do what we have to do and that is vote for the Trump/Vance ticket, encourage others to vote for the ticket, not run either on the ticket down. We have to win 2024 before we worry about the after we do that. If we lose, I’m not sure we get another chance.

    So I’m tired of the well Vance did this, did that. He’s the pick, he’s on the ticket and all that is important now is winning. Save the bitching and moaning and trying to convince everyone he’s horrible until after we win.

  8. Brad, I’ve seen that video going around and have looked at other things he’s said. So he brings the ability to not look and sound like an idiot and he brings young people, poor people, the working man, people of different races to vote along with states that are needed.
    I guess people would rather Carson, that although he’s a nice, very intelligent man, he’s also old and sorry I don’t think he’d bring many of other races to vote.
    Or perhaps Rubio, the Governor from ND or whatever that woman’s name is in NY. IMO, he’s night and day a better pick than them and 100 times better than Pence. The only one I could see people even liking is Carson.
    There are few people out there that you can’t find something wrong with.

    I’m very well aware of how many RINOs and establishment are out there, I would put all but one from Oklahoma in that category who is sitting in D.C.
    If you take a look at MarkWayne Mullin you will see the biggest RINO ever, however when he first ran, politically he was a blank slate. We personally visited with him, he seemed like one of us. I actually had high hopes for him, it took him less than 6 months to show how easily swayed he was. There is never any guarantees about these people.

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