Chinese-Owned EV Company Showered Dems with Campaign Contributions – IOTW Report

Chinese-Owned EV Company Showered Dems with Campaign Contributions

AZ SunTimes

The U.S. subsidiary of a Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer and its top executive have given hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign cash to Democrats in recent years.

Stella Li, a top executive for BYD Americas, and the company itself have given tens of thousands of dollars in campaign cash to Democratic candidates and organizations in California and beyond over the past decade, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of federal and state political spending records. Based in China, BYD is the biggest EV producer in the world, and Congress moved in January to ban the Pentagon from buying its batteries due to security risks, according to Bloomberg News.

For example, BYD and Li gave more than $40,000 to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) between 2020 and 2023, according to the DCNF’s review of political spending records. The company and Li have also poured more than $30,000 into organizations boosting President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection effort to date. more

13 Comments on Chinese-Owned EV Company Showered Dems with Campaign Contributions

  1. Ha. I just saw a Missouri congressman Mark Alford hit it out of the park.

    Something like….Biden inherited Norman Rockwell’s America and turned it into the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

    What a great line!

  2. I’m heartwarmed tonight by the realization that the Democrats have an unmitigated, unprecedented, unbelievably severe catastrophe on their hands. May this be the end of the Democrat party.

  3. Everyone realizes that Pedo is a vain and vindictive guy even now, right?

    Now that hes a lame duck without even a sham election to worry about, hes going to take out his anger and embarassment on US, in ways petty and great, and maybe get us nuked for a götterdämmerung finale to the vicious abuse his entire administration has been and will continue to be until he, we, or us all are dead.

    “One ill turn deserves another. It would have been a sharper lesson, if only you had given me a little more time and more Men. Still I have already done much that you will find hard to mend or undo in your lives. And it will be pleasant to think of that and set it against my injuries.'”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    …Pedo will be like that, but worse.

    Because he still has men to obey his commands.

    And nuclear weapons at his disposal…

  4. North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper. a leftist did something similar. He ok’d a foreign EV factory in NC. Can you say “kickback”?
    The Vietnamese VinFast Corp won’t be building the EV factory until 2028…maybe. They broke ground 2023. Construction was to begin 2025.
    A huge area in Chatham County has been designated; .

    BTW. NC Governor. Roy Cooper just happens to be on KamalMao’s VP short list. Coincidence?


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