‘Banning Certain Behaviors’: Kamala Harris Agreed to Reduce Red Meat Consumption During 2020 Campaign – IOTW Report

‘Banning Certain Behaviors’: Kamala Harris Agreed to Reduce Red Meat Consumption During 2020 Campaign

Except for wieners. Right, Kammy?

Vice President Kamala Harris, who was endorsed by President Joe Biden on Sunday to take his presumptive spot as the Democrats’ 2024 nominee, said she supports changing the government’s dietary guidelines to reduce the consumption of “red meat.”

During a televised town hall before she dropped out of the 2020 election, Harris agreed with a voter who asked about eating less red meat “in light of the impact of the climate change.”

A clip of the discussion has resurfaced online after being posted by RNC Research following Harris’s step into the race on Sunday. more

20 Comments on ‘Banning Certain Behaviors’: Kamala Harris Agreed to Reduce Red Meat Consumption During 2020 Campaign

  1. …“in light of the impact of the climate change.”….. FFS! When will these assholes suddenly disappear? They can eat all the ultra processed bugs and bullshit they wish. Leave the rest of us TF alone!

  2. That why she’s KamalMao. She’s a heartless, evil, psychopath and a communist.
    God help us if she ever became The President of the United States.

  3. To have this type person so highly placed in our government is a testament to how far this once mighty nation has fallen. Democrats and Rhinos have just about destroyed this country for filthy lucre and perceived power. To witness their machinations of evil is truly a sight to behold. Morals, character, merit, values, patriotism and truth have all disappeared. Mankind is indeed sick.


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