BLM is mad at Dems – IOTW Report

BLM is mad at Dems

Black Lives Matter Turns on Democrat Party After Kamala Harris Is Installed as Nominee.

12 Comments on BLM is mad at Dems

  1. Let’s hope that BLM (and Antifa) will be as bad or worse than all the hippies and antiwar protestors against the Vietnam war were in 1968 to totally disrupt the democrap convention in Chicago next month. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near Chicago next month just because.

  2. You might have a little fun by doing what I do: in the appropriate place in a conversation about this crap, simply say, “Each life matters.” You’ll get some entertaining reactions to this individualist variant.

    Alternate: “Each life matters to the Lord.”

  3. The true objective of BLM, (whose founder is a white Marxist progressive man and it’s operated by other white progressives, not three black women with questionable pronouns) is to further integrate and entrench the Marxist agenda into every educational, government and societal institution that exists.

    Important to watch. Short and to the point about who really is in charge of BLM;

    Black people are just a wedge issue of BLM to weaken the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies, cause violent confrontations to corrode a stable society and continue the Marxist victimhood narrative to replace unity under a national identity.
    Main goal, breakdown the Western foundational society of the United States.

    KamalMao has probably never pledge allegiance to the BLM, the queer movement or anything else except getting rid of President Trump. She may be too heterosexual for queer fraction of BLM or too self serving to care.

    One thing for sure, KamalMao is a megalomaniac. An equal opportunity destroyer of anyone or any group that gets in her way.

  4. News flash guys! According to black American Demwit culture, KamalMao is indeed black…by way of her Jamaican father’s side.
    It’s called the “One Drop” rule.
    Ironically, slave masters and later some states applied this as law to keep track of the mulatto population. Many mulatto could pass for white;
    This is the excuse, (which today is still applied in the black culture) the left will use to get liberal black Americans to vote for KamalMao. Trust and believe she’ll get their votes this way.


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