France didn’t put air conditioners in the athletes Olympic Village – IOTW Report

France didn’t put air conditioners in the athletes Olympic Village

Inside the Games:

The decision by the Olympic organisers not to install air conditioning in the athletes’ accommodation has prompted the Finnish team to bring its own additional cooling equipment to the French capital. Like Finland, Mexico, USA and Spain are also bringing their own.

Everyone knew that Paris is a very warm city in July and August. Visitors, athletes and organisers were not surprised when temperatures in the French capital rose above 30C last Friday and Saturday, just a week before the start of the Olympic Games. Athletes and teams want to feel comfortable. Following the organisers’ decision not to install air conditioning in the Olympic Village, several teams have brought their own additional equipment to Paris. more

11 Comments on France didn’t put air conditioners in the athletes Olympic Village

  1. The French are cheapskates. Every schmuck that made the decision NOT to air-condition the athletes’s sleeping quarters sleeps in a climate-controlled home you better believe.

  2. The French arent even usually in France in August, the whole country goes “on holiday”, so this is probably the ones that have to stay for the Olympics being pissy about it.

  3. Why don’t they change the name to Globalist Games? The Olympics have become a microcosm of Globalist plans: strictly limited population, tight control of housing, transportation and travel…the athlete GenPop should be glad they don’t have to eat bugs. I reckon that starts in four years.

  4. …FWIW, I dont think the ancient Greeks they are emulating with these Games had air comditioning either.

    And I say this from my extremely un-airconditioned factory in late July in Midwest America that is full of non-atheletes who do physical labor every day in peak heat that these atheletes are pussies if the NEED it so bad, a young person in peak shape should be able to bear a little discomfort if they are ACTUALLY all that…

  5. I have been in the HVAC business since 1988 as a service tech.

    Trust me, the globalists want to eliminate AIR CONDITIONING as part of the Global Warming Bullshit Agenda.

    Along with FOOD, TRAVEL, Mobility of Labour, etc.

    They are not creating 15 minute cities, they are creating 15 Minute OPEN JAILS.

  6. Air conditioning isn’t that common any place in Europe and certainly not as we know it in the US. If you have to travel book yourself into a designated ‘American’ style hotel. Heating can be skimpy in the winter.

  7. @Eugenia
    You can say that again. I’ve stayed in England and Ireland where I felt like I was freezing to death during the night. The boilers are automatically shut down after 10:00pm so there is no heat, no matter what you do to the thermostat.

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