Kamala Told She’s ‘Not Welcome’ in Blue City, Given Brutal Warning as Harris Campaign Starts Rough – IOTW Report

Kamala Told She’s ‘Not Welcome’ in Blue City, Given Brutal Warning as Harris Campaign Starts Rough


The warning did not exactly come from a friendly source. But it hit upon every major vulnerability Vice President Kamala Harris faces in her incipient presidential campaign.

Thursday on the social media platform X, the Republican Party of Harris County, Texas, which includes Democrat-dominated metropolitan Houston, declared the vice president “not welcome” in her namesake Texas county.

Shamefully, according to the Harris County GOP, the “border czar” vice president last visited Texas three years ago. MORE

11 Comments on Kamala Told She’s ‘Not Welcome’ in Blue City, Given Brutal Warning as Harris Campaign Starts Rough

  1. The media are frantically trying to bury her liberal past and claim she was never the ‘border czar’, after referring to her as that for years. They’re going to hammer the prosecutor vs. felon screed, but if you look, she prosecuted juvenile truants and their parents and jailed 1,260 black males for minor marijuana offenses. She’s also for defunding cops and raised bail money for the George Floyd rioters.

  2. geoff the aardvark
    SATURDAY, 27 JULY 2024, 14:17 AT 2:17 PM
    “If Sheila Jackson Lee hadn’t just croaked, she would’ve been the first in line to welcome Kamala to Houston.”

    One day, maybe she can be first in line to welcome her to Hell.

  3. As for any racism or slavery bullshit: my great grandfather was a slave: he was a slave of Nazi Germany for years in a concrntration camp – so were 6 million other Jews who were beaten and worked to death. No Jews complain about being decendents od slaves. Blacl slaves were valuable propery, fed well and bred well for survival. Black slavery complaints by modern blacks ia puke

  4. As I have mentioned before, the powers that be don’t really want Kamala. They also know that they can’t dump a “woman of color” without facing a huge backlash. Therefore they are doing the same thing they did to Joe: have the propaganda machine portray Kamala as unelectable. Once she is driven out of the race, they will put in the person they really want — a white man.


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