Officials: Ex-Convict Started Ongoing 307K-Acre Fire in California – IOTW Report

Officials: Ex-Convict Started Ongoing 307K-Acre Fire in California

The Park Fire is taking a toll on Northern California, as it is now one of the biggest wildfires in the state’s history. The fire that is burning near Chico has resulted in evacuations in four counties. Officials with CAL Fire estimate it has burned more than 307,000 acres as of Saturday. more

14 Comments on Officials: Ex-Convict Started Ongoing 307K-Acre Fire in California

  1. That’s staggering. I don’t think well in numbers of acres that large so I convert. At 640 acres per square mile, that means this monster has burned 480 square miles. So far. Even in those units, that’s mighty hard to visualize. What a tragedy. I hope the guilty party is soon an ex-ex-con.

  2. Also. if you take a hard right at Chico, 18 mile up the road is Paradise California. Still rebuilding. This is all the state of California’s responsibility. Every last bit of it.

  3. The guy set his MOTHER’S car on fire and pushed it into a ravine.

    WT ACTUAL F?!?

    I was about to type that I’d sure like to know the whole story, but then realized, no, I really don’t.

  4. When I was a kid my dad had us hunting and fishing damn near every week end. Back in the late 70’s to early 90’s walking through a California National Forest was like walking through a park. NO UNDER GROWTH. now you can’t walk through them do to the under growth. Notice I typed National Forest. Most are. California has stopped all logging activity in National Forrest’s which include cleaning the forest floor up. WTF? A good example of this is the Tahoe National Forrest where the green weenies found out the hard way what a cluttered Forest floor will produce. A real hot fire. The Tahoe National Forrest now has it’s floor clear cut clean. Every inch of it. Who runs our National Forrests?

  5. When I saw the plume from my house, I told DH this will be worse than the Campfire. The arsonists is a 2-time felon. Pedophilia, then robbery with bodily harm. He got pissed at mommies car, set it on fire and rolled it down the hill in Bidwell Park. A favorite hiking wilderness area in Chico. We evacuated for the Thompson fire. We got lucky, the Lord watched out for b us again. Friend lost b her house. ;(

  6. Arsonists start fires then back away to masturbate. So I’ve read.

    Is drawing and quartering too cruel a punishment for these psychos? I’m so pissed off these days, I could support that as an example to all the other psychos.

  7. Thd Thompson Fire started near the river just west of the dam where thd homeless camp out. With the new homeless laws it gives officials leverage to make them move on. Stateline to two States isn’t so far away. Their mode of operation is being a pyro maniac. However, fireworks was suspected as the culprit for the Thompson fire. Like the Parks fire, it exploded quickly, we got out fast.

  8. We live about 80 miles south of there and if a fire starts in the valley it will roar up this canyon like a hurricane. There was a good upwind yesterday that had me worried.
    State Farm Insurance has told Newscum he’d better do something or they’re leaving.


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