Rebel Dem who challenged Biden takes victory lap after being proven right: ‘We are rewarded for being cowards’ – IOTW Report

Rebel Dem who challenged Biden takes victory lap after being proven right: ‘We are rewarded for being cowards’

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) was the only Democrat who had the stones to challenge President Joe Biden for the 2024 nomination and now he’s been vindicated after the party elite drop-kicked the octogenarian into retirement.

The Minnesota lawmaker who warned about Biden’s rapid deterioration before the primaries took a victory lap and ripped his congressional colleagues for being “cowards” for not speaking up about the 81-year-old’s senility, which was obvious well before last month’s CNN debate.

Phillips appeared on Newsmax this week after the geriatric career politician gave up the ghost and endorsed VP Kamala Harris as his successor, telling host Greta Van Susteren that it was “just a matter of when” until the ugly truth about Biden would be revealed to the American people. more

10 Comments on Rebel Dem who challenged Biden takes victory lap after being proven right: ‘We are rewarded for being cowards’

  1. The guy is full of shit as a Christmas goose. He compares Trumps support from Party establishment to Biden’s. Please it is the exact opposite. He sees what he wants to see. Fucking bull shitter.

  2. “He served the country beautifully, I think, for 50 years…”

    Phillips may not be a coward, but he’s a dolt and a party hack.

    Go ahead and take your Captain Obvious victory lap, Dean, but half the country was way ahead of you, and the other half…well, we’re stuck with those fools, and they’re your people, Best of luck with them. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  3. The Democrats are not cowards – they are evil. They support terrorists. They promote policies designed to tear the American family (the building block of any civilization) apart. They promote communism and socialism even though history shows that these are failed systems. They use corrupt judges to hamstring their opponents, and they try to destroy institutions that disagree with their agenda. They use federal agencies to advance their agenda and destroy their enemies.

    The Democrats weapon of choice over the past few years is a befuddled old man who was a mediocre politician in his best years, and who had little to no idea of what he was doing and is nothing more than a puppet. Instead of realizing that that Biden should have been replaced for the good of the country, they used him as long as they could to advance their agendas without regard to what was in the best interests of this nation, and unceremoniously threw him on the trash heap once he became a liability.

    Democrats need to be voted out of office. My primary worry is that the Republican party is full of politicians who would love to play this game on their own and continue the uniparty.

  4. fuah: something you said the other day . . .
    It was great and I said to myself thats good and should be noted. I forget what where it was but it was recent so it should still be in there somewhere. When I remembr I will repost but until then do not forget that I remembered to tell you how good it was. Thanks

  5. Of course he had to take a swipe at Trump.
    We all know the swamp creatures hated him because he upset the money train.
    The Dirty Dems are just repeating their talking points and this guy is the one appointed to go tell the story that they all really, really wanted Biden to go but you know…party loyalty….demoocracy…blah, blah, blah.

  6. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) displays his prowess to play the democrat game. In 2023 he calls out biden’s inability to serve due to cognitive impairment. He called out the democrats cowardly actions by ignoring biden’s mental illness.

    Yet Dean Phillips stated that Biden should now finish his term. This is a cowardly act. He fell back in line with the DEM narrative. Doing what’s best for the democrat party and destructive to the Nation. Play the game Dean !!


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