Great Rant By Thierry Laurent Pellet – IOTW Report

Great Rant By Thierry Laurent Pellet

Hosts L Todd Wood and Bill Quinn discuss the Satanic symbolism surrounding the Olympics, what does it mean? 7/28/24.

8 Comments on Great Rant By Thierry Laurent Pellet

  1. Brad, God is on the move if there are that many people in France praising the Lord like that out in the open in the public square. Maybe it took that terrible blasphemous, perverted, demonic opening to the Olympics for God’s people to wake up. I certainly hope so.

  2. Oddly enough, the perverts are aligned with the izlamic jihadis (terrorists).
    (maybe not as odd as it seems, since izlam is a perverted fucking “religion,” I guess)

    Christians and Jews BETTER FUCKING WELL wake up!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Last night, my my wife pulled up a youtube video of Celine Dion singing on the Eiffel Tower. It was probably the highlight of the Opening ceremonies. But while Celine was singing, my wife commented that the grand piano beside her was closed, and the top was covered with what she thought were glass beads. I remembered reading that there was a huge downpour of rain during and after the ceremonies, and I told my wife that is must be rain water covering the top of that piano. She said that was crazy, because why were the organizers not prepared for the possibility of rain? I told her that perhaps the storm came out of the clear blue for a reason which was beyond scientific explanation.

  4. I guess it’s not like the French Olympic organizers didn’t have a 1000 years of French history to draw upon for inspiration instead of drag queens and mocking Christianity. I guess we should be grateful they didn’t guillotine conservatives as part of the opening ceremonies.

  5. I can’t help but laugh at the question, “What does it mean?”

    It means exactly what they wanted it to mean! The message was loud, foul, and clear. If we need anyone to explain to us what is meant by that show of evil, then we are well and truly lost.


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