Chevron to Move Headquarters from California to Texas amid Stricter Energy Regulations – IOTW Report

Chevron to Move Headquarters from California to Texas amid Stricter Energy Regulations


Chevron, America’s second-largest oil company, has announced it will move its headquarters from California to Texas as the leftist state continues to throttle businesses.

The company, which operates multiple crude oil fields, technical facilities, and refineries and supplies more than 1,800 retail stations in California, announced Friday that its home base will be moved from San Ramon, California, to Houston, Texas. 

Chevron already has more employees in the Houston area than in California, with roughly 7,000 workers there compared to approximately 2,000 employees in San Ramon, which is near San Francisco.  more

7 Comments on Chevron to Move Headquarters from California to Texas amid Stricter Energy Regulations

  1. LBJ, Rick Perry, Bush, Connally, Cruz, Sheila Jackson Lee, Austin, Houston, etc. Texas is FAR from a safe haven for anyone. Small pockets of common sense surrounded by a state filled with folks with clearly no clue.

  2. ^^^^^

    If you look at pictures of people trying to get to Woodstock in 1969, you’ll see service stations in New York State called “ESSO” – Standard Oil. I got a feeling they’re no longer there, or there with a different name.

    Canada still has service stations branded ESSO as far as I know.

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