Canada: ‘A new kind of slavery.’ – IOTW Report

Canada: ‘A new kind of slavery.’

Blazing Cat Fur:
David Rodriguez says he was abruptly fired from his job after standing up to his abusive employer less than two months after arriving in Toronto from Mexico in 2022 to work as a cook.

The 39-year-old was one of several temporary foreign workers employed at a downtown restaurant, enduring harsh working conditions that he says included aggressive behaviour from the owner and unpaid overtime.

When Rodriguez raised his concerns, his boss fired him on the spot, he says, leaving him unable to find new work, as his status in the country was tied exclusively to his employer.

There is no labour shortage in Canada, there is a surplus of wannabe slave owners eager to abuse the temporary foreign workers program for profit. MORE

9 Comments on Canada: ‘A new kind of slavery.’

  1. Go back to messico if you don’t like Canada.

    Pretty simple solution.

    Don’t bitch, don’t complain – just pull up your pants and go.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The head of the union where I worked was a vociferous advocate for the union cause. She also owned a house cleaning business, but she adamantly refused to allow any union organizing, firing any employee who spoke out for unionization.

    Yup, it’s idiot employees on both sides. Sometimes in the same person.

  3. Brad is on point on this one. I’ve employed people in low level labor (trainee) positions and in skilled labor positions, also very extensively. There are bad employers, and I’ve been one in the past, but the bad employees are an orders of magnitude greater. This one sounds like the low end entitled crybaby version. Nothing is quite good enough for the entitled crybaby and oddly enough the entitled crybaby won’t move on voluntarily, rather remaining and stinking out loud until removed. Certainly the Canuck labor force is as flimsy and weak as our own, a loud fart will cause most of them to burst into tears and certainly any criticizing of work will result in a mandatory thrice weekly therapy sessions.

  4. Walter

    California law states before you can fire an employee you need to give them two verbal warning and one written warning. I had documented two each verbal warning for every employee I’ve ever had. So about 10-12 years ago someone organized this day of protest for Hispanic workers. Basically it evolved down to walking out, at lunch time, and picketing until lunch was over. Well I had three young Hispanic guys working for me. One of which was a real 125 pound smart ass. I told him, do not picket in front of my place of business or bad things will happen. Sure as shit lunch break comes and the little bastard was right out in front of my shop waving his sign at passing cars as they drove by. He was ten minutes late returning from lunch. Here’s your written warning and here’s your pay check. Bye Bye.
    I should add the other two were pretty squared away individuals and were more interested in what they could learn from us than the color of their skin.


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