“It Didn’t Sound Like Joe Biden”: Pelosi Questions Dropout Letter As Biden Fingers Her In Ouster – IOTW Report

“It Didn’t Sound Like Joe Biden”: Pelosi Questions Dropout Letter As Biden Fingers Her In Ouster

Zero Hedge: In his first interview since he was very clearly ousted from the 2024 race, President Biden specifically mentioned former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – telling CBS News Sunday Morning that Democrats in the House and Senate thought he would drag down the entire party’s chances of reelection.

“A number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races. And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic — you’d be interviewing me about why did Nancy Pelosi say [something] … and I thought it’d be a real distraction,” said Biden.

“When I ran the first time, I thought of myself as being a transition president. I can’t even say how old I am — it’s hard for me to get out of my mouth,” he continued, adding that it was a combination of those factors, along with the priority of “maintaining this democracy,” that steered ‘his’ decision, the NY Post reports.

Pelosi, meanwhile, is acting very strange about the whole thing – suggesting that Biden’s letter announcing his withdrawal from the race wasn’t written by him. (duh)

22 Comments on “It Didn’t Sound Like Joe Biden”: Pelosi Questions Dropout Letter As Biden Fingers Her In Ouster

  1. She admitted she was behind it in a radio interview. She flatly stated: there’s no way we’re going to let Donald Trump set foot in the White house again. Still wondering if his attempted assassination was a conspiracy? somebody very powerful told the SS to let Crooks take his shot before they took him out. He just missed. Don’t be surprised if it happens again, this time with professional shooters who don’t miss.

  2. At this point whom gives a fuque? The underlying issue is that we do not have an elected government any more, now for how long we cannot say, but we certainly can and must say ‘we do not have an elected federal government’ and we must take action to regain the status of free people served by an elected government, whatever that takes! I prefer a general work stoppage, pay no tax on any income or outgo, buy or sell, stop the flow of money to leviathan.

  3. “I did not call one person.”
    -Tyrant Pelosi

    “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”
    – Tyrant Henry II

    …you don’t NEED to spell it out, if you’ve arrogated too much unwarranted power to yourself.

    …I am not sad Pedo was humiliated, but Nan Nan needs to swing next to him, so Id like to see HER leaking out of her diaper for all the world to see as well..

  4. Why ate they pointing fingers at each other? I thought Kamala was coasting to victory and Loe was ably serving out his term with dignity. They should all be happy about how it all worked out.

    Whose bright idea was it to get Joe out of the basement and let him run his mouth? Everybody was sticking to the plan…oh wait, Pelosi couldn’t keep her drunken yap shut. Now, she’s been made the scapegoat for the coup.

    So it now appears the Joe was let out for a minute just to make the accusation against Pelosi that they told him to make. Meanwhile, Barky and Hillary are still Joe’s best buddies, and butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths. What a pit of vipers.

  5. They have to resort to assassination to stop Trump.
    Watch how much all-out, open cheating will be involved in this election.
    We need to stop the fraud in the swing states.

  6. C’mon man! No joke, I don wanna touch OL girz, onny like em fresh an baby shampooo smellin! Nanny smell tired and lemony like my pants! Also too I lke to use my noz, fingers are for gropin butss and keepem em from scaping!
    No, nof fingering…you know. the thing! Beau could do it, Jill trained em on ol l a dies, but he died gettin His bronze bar, summin about MAGA an mocrscy an…aaa…ubp…anyway

  7. Wild Bill – very minor point, but there’s no ‘t’ in coochie. But I suppose if you want to put a ‘t’ in there, you do it at your own risk! (Fingers and T’s have been lost.)


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