WTF did I just watch? – IOTW Report

WTF did I just watch?

Tenet Media’s Tayler Hanson was out in Arizona ahead of a rally for the Kamala Harris, Tim Walz campaign and spoke to attendees about why they have decided to support the progressive presidential hopeful. 

“Why are y’all voting for Kamala Harris?” Hansen asked to young women at the arena. 

“I don’t wanna lose my rights,” one woman in a black Camp Half-Blood shirt said, referencing a fiction series by Rick Riordan.

“Like I’m a trans man and I’m gay and I’ve been pregnant and had an abortion before and I don’t want to lose that. I’m afraid of not being able to be myself anymore, because from what I’ve heard, Trump’s America doesn’t want me to look like this, so that’s why I’m here today and that’s why I’m voting blue.” She wore her dark hair in an asymmetrical hair-cut, glasses, headphones around her neck, and a t-shirt referencing novels. more

22 Comments on WTF did I just watch?

  1. Well to start with, nobody cares what you look like.
    What we do care about is when these freaks from the Island of Misfit Toys start shoving their agenda down our throat and up our ass while burning ooh-gobs of Hard-Earned, Over-Taxed-Payers money in the process!!

  2. LCD – Aaaaaaaaaaannd nobody asks “You’re in office, do it right now! Why wait?”
    Aaaaaaaaannd, “If it’s such a good idea, why hasn’t that already been done for the past 3 1/2 years that you’ve been in the White House??

    Oh yeah, you had to wait until Donald Trump came out with the idea cuz just like Jackass Joe, you’ve never had an original idea in yer life!!

  3. Democrats are perverts and perverts are democrats. What, if you’ll pardon my asking, is new here? Balenciaga is a fashion house one might remember recently promoting child bondage, and whose main designer clearly promotes the sacrifice and eating of infants and very young children. These are democrats. The fashion house is heavily supported by elite level democrats including Hilry and Kamala’s sycophants and other deeply satanic perverts in and around the capitol city.

    Only a pervert or a pervert ally would vote democrat.

  4. One can only hope that “he” catches and dies of a painful sexually transmitted disease.

  5. In other words, Skamala supports anti-Christian, anti-traditional behavior and we want the freaks ruling.
    Other than that and being dumb enough to listen to rumors without actually looking into policies for themselves, they got nothing.
    If Skamala’s commie policies went into effect then they’d be suppressed for sure.

  6. The NPCs in those Kamala Airplane Campaign…illustrations…are more real than these sad little freaks. And it has nothing to do with Trump; these nematodes would reflexively hate Pence, or Jeb or Chris Christie just as much as they hate Trump, and they’d love Newsom or Whitmer as much as they love Kamala.

    There is nothing which can be done ethically to be rid of them. May they feel the worst pain and consequences of all, should their idol win the election.

  7. To further expound on Cynic’s post –

    “We are miserably self-loathing, insane and envious of others on the daily. We are led around by the nose due to media propaganda and had absolutely no say in the choice of the new candidate – who never got a single vote throughout her career. But at least we can stay that way under Harris.”

  8. I still can’t tell if they’re just doing it for attention (plants) or if they’re actually legitimately emotionally damaged. I like how one tried to top the other one with her own issues.

  9. The mentally ill, that includes queers and trans have questionable judgment because it’s based on their psychosis. That makes them easy to manipulated by the left and easily eliminated if necessary. Note – Nazi Germany’s final solution for queers under Socialist Democracy what the left wants for the United States;

    These two women are definitely psychologically damaged. They should be in a mental institution. The lens they are looking through is warped. In their confusioned state the lie that KamalMao and Lock Step Walz will “save” them from the scary Trump Boogeyman coincides with the paronoid delusions they already believe as truth.
    Also, Democrats in general are demented, voting based how they feel and ignoring any facts.

  10. @Dadof4
    Without knowing the situations, I would say the “dad” if there was one was a horrible failure. Maybe I’m just lucky but I tried very hard to raise daughters with a good head on their shoulders, and it’s worked out well so far. They are of similar ages to these freaks, and I have mostly been a single dad since their early teens. Might be wrong, but I think you had a similar experience if you only mentioned the dad.

  11. @wonky honky

    Only sons, so, no on having the same experience. Every slut, harlot, etc. has daddy issues, otherwise they wouldn’t be like they are – so you are right. He failed as a father.

    Maybe they don’t care at all, but I’d be surprised if the dads approved of either of these girls’ choices in life. The dads are trash people too, if so.


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