CDC Issues Warning as ‘Sloth Fever’ Arrives in US from South America – IOTW Report

CDC Issues Warning as ‘Sloth Fever’ Arrives in US from South America

Gateway Pundit-

Health experts are raising red flags as what is commonly known as “sloth fever” has gained a foothold in the United States.

The Oropouche virus has been detected in two states, according to CBS.

Florida officials said they have spotted 30 cases, all connected with travelers from Cuba.

One case was diagnosed in New York state, also linked to travel from Cuba.

According to The Washington Post, Europe has had 19 cases this summer, with  12 in Spain, five in Italy and two in Germany. One case involved travel to Brazil; all the rest were linked to travelers returning from Cuba.

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of August, more than 8,000 cases of sloth fever have been confirmed in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, and Peru.

The CDC said that “two deaths and vertical transmission associated with fetal death and possible congenital malformations in Brazil have raised concerns about the threat of Oropouche virus to human health.” more

21 Comments on CDC Issues Warning as ‘Sloth Fever’ Arrives in US from South America

  1. People were requested to vaccinate with a potion that screws with the body’s immune system.
    Maybe some further in depth studies are required before announcing the sky is falling.

  2. Bats, pangolins, birds, monkeys, sloths, mosquitoes…so tired of their zoo. They’re just throwing shit at the wall now, waiting to see what sticks. When nothing stings, they’ll declare the shit-stained wall a National Emergency.

  3. What, so now they care about their pre-aborted humans? Only if it allows them to mucks with an election i suppose.

    DOJ, CDC & CIA, among others, all need a revamp. Trump has a LOT of work to do!

  4. TGP:

    The CDC said most people infected have “fever, myalgia, and headache” and also suffer from “arthralgia, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, and rash.” Some have had recurring symptoms.

    But no mention of an urge to hang upside down from tree limbs by your finger- and toenails?

    And, vitally important question here, is this two-toed sloth fever or three-toed sloth fever?

  5. First, open the border to allow Millions illegal immigrants to enter our country with no medical testing or vetting.

    Second be surprised that illegal immigrants are carriers of new diseases and the old.

    Third the CDC gives a fearful warning and “currently developing a plan for rapid detection and response to Oropouche virus disease.”

    Having CDC develop a plan to respond to the outbreak gives me little comfort and even less trust.

    CDC has yet to determine that many of the diseases identified were the direct result of the Biden Administration’s policy of OPEN Borders.

    Biden/Harris has placed US Citizens in Jeopardy by no medical testing and no criminal background Investigations on Over 15,000,000 illegal border Jumpers.

    The Biden Government and the CDC are not to be trusted.

  6. How many border invaders were fully vaccinated?? Why not??? I’m sure the sheep will test any un-tested vaccines they mix up in the cellar. Which government or government agency should you trust, if any?????


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