Poll — Majority of Democrats ‘Unsure’ or Say U.S. Would Be Better Off If Trump Murdered – IOTW Report

Poll — Majority of Democrats ‘Unsure’ or Say U.S. Would Be Better Off If Trump Murdered

I guess a majority of democrats are demonic.

A majority of Democrats say they are either “unsure” if America would be better off if Trump had been murdered over the weekend or flat-out say America would be better off.

This poll of 1,000 registered voters was taken by Scott Rasmussen, president of RMG research, on September 16-17 on behalf of Napolitan News.

“The desensitization of some Americans following the second assassination [attempt] of former President Trump is alarming,” writes Napolitan News. “Seventeen percent (17%) of voters believe America would have been better off if former President Trump had been killed in last week’s attempted assassination.”

That’s not the worst of it.

13 Comments on Poll — Majority of Democrats ‘Unsure’ or Say U.S. Would Be Better Off If Trump Murdered

  1. If I were asked the same question about killing the Dem Party leadership (and a lot of Rep Party leadership, for that matter), all I’ll say publicly is that I can promise you that my answer would NOT be “unsure”.

  2. ^^^^^
    My extremely conservative neighbors with an extremely Hispanic last name attended. They sent us live updates during the filming. Whom did Trump converse with during commercial breaks. Well Tyrus of course. The dude loves fighters. Explains a lot.

  3. Just think, a Secret Service agent takes her newborn to a Trump event, a man who is in the bullseye every day, and had been recently SHOT IN THE HEAD!
    Was she worried her child might be killed?
    Evidently not.
    She leaves her post to NURSE her child???
    Did she worry about being FIRED?
    Evidently NOT!

    Mar-a-Lago raid with the “shoot to kill” mandate.

    It’s over people.
    Will we go quietly?…

  4. Such poor, misleading reporting on this. 17% of anything is not a majority. In fact, it’s about 10% less than the whole of hard Leftists in the U.S., which has been holding steady at about 27-29% for the past 16 years. And that’s not even right; hard-core Leftists account for, conservatively, about 21% of the voters who vote Democrat. That 21%, as far as I can tell, would kill and eat their own family members, that’s how depraved they are. So, don’t be alarmed at their thoughts on Trump. They’d do as much to their own mothers. NIH stats report that 19.68% of adult Americans have mental illness, so there ya go. I bet most of that population are registered Democrats. Being Democrat should be a marker for mental illness.

  5. As every totalitarian/nihilist/satanist understands, it’s easier to kill your political opponents than to best them in the realm of ideas.
    The Demonrats have NO winning ideas – no vision other than hatred, divisiveness, envy, terror, depravity, and death.
    They are, simply speaking, a death cult – from abortion, to perversion, to their particular brand of nihilistic totalitarianism based on slavery, fear, deceit, and hatred, they will kill any and all who oppose their sick ideology.
    They can only prevail among the sick and perverted – not among the sane and normal. Sadly, the sane and normal have other things to do than pay attention until it’s too late.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. But Democrats have no similar vulnerability. None of the insane Communists they show us are actually running anything, so if you killed them all, they’d just stick someone else in and nothing would change other than severe gun confiscation and martial law at the order of whoever’s running things with that as justification.

    No Democrat “leader” matters. Even if you eliminate a symptom, the disease goes “joyfully” on.


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