Kamala Was a Gun Grabber From The Beginning – IOTW Report

Kamala Was a Gun Grabber From The Beginning

Unearthed footage shows San Francisco DA Kamala Harris vowing to FORCIBLY ENTER HOMES to check how private gun owners are storing their firearms.

7 Comments on Kamala Was a Gun Grabber From The Beginning

  1. Carmella, if you ever came to My House, And entered without permission, You two Bit
    whore Would never see the light of day again, And I Wouldn’t need Two Slop the pigs For couple days. If you never get on my land or in my house it will be the last move you ever made.We can take care of people like you down here in the South.

  2. The 1974 Privacy Act prevents the government from collecting data on us. But the Treasury Dept has been collecting data on anyone who buys guns, Bibles or uses certain phrases such as MAGA. This gov is out of control and power mad. We have to stop them.

  3. Caroleigh
    Thursday, 19 September 2024, 10:29 at 10:29 am
    “Carmella, if you ever came to My House, And entered without permission, You two Bit
    whore Would never see the light of day again”

    …they will only send Orcs, paycheck police and true-beliving Communists cops, servants they can care less about to the slaughter. Then when a few get killed, down come the jackboots and in come the f15s..

  4. Stoned and stupid Kamalala must think getting shot at is no big deal. Because she’s too stupid to see that God must have President Trump’s back.

    Somebody tell that dumb whore that the gun owners she has no regard for are not the fuckups at the SS, FBI and looney Left.

    Molon Lave will land on her very hard.


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