‘Blood Is On Their Hands’: Abbey Gate Survivor Describes Coming Face To Face With Joe Biden – IOTW Report

‘Blood Is On Their Hands’: Abbey Gate Survivor Describes Coming Face To Face With Joe Biden


President Joe Biden, alongside his wife Jill Biden, entered the hospital room of wounded Marine Sergeant Tyler Vargas-Andrews. They had flowers with them. After shaking hands with Tyler’s mother, Biden began talking about losing his son Beau and his time in the service.

The president, Vargas-Andrews said, made no mention of the Afghanistan withdrawal in which he had nearly lost his life. It was unclear if his Commander-in-Chief was directly addressing him at all. MORE

8 Comments on ‘Blood Is On Their Hands’: Abbey Gate Survivor Describes Coming Face To Face With Joe Biden

  1. “Biden began talking about losing his son Beau and his time in the service.”

    …you know, were I the parent in that case, I think I would point out in a calm voice (so as not to alert the SS goons) that I, and indeed war, had nothing to do with HIS son’s demise while HIS evil political calculation had EVERYTHING to do with MINE, talking softly enough to draw the nasty pedophile closer to hear…then do my level best to crush the pedphiles lying windpipe so completely that they couldnt pass an ET tube and even with a cricothyrotomy that evil fuck could never tell a lie with that throat again.

    …or Id skip the taunting and just jam the flowers down his fucking throat as fast as humanly possible, whichever…

    He is fortunate that those parents are MUCH better people than I, and that they are wise enough to know that such actions will not help their son or the rest of their family.

    …but one day, one will be pushed too far, and the DEI Gestapo guy wont be quick enough to save him…

  2. -The “president”, Vargas-Andrews said, made no mention of the Afghanistan withdrawal in which he had nearly lost his life. It was unclear if his “Commander-in-Chief” was directly addressing him at all.-

    Always put “President” and “Commander-in-Chief” in quotes when referring to The Pedophile, as he has no legal or moral right to either of those titles due to the demostrable fact he obtained them by fraud and msintains them by force…

  3. I’d have said something like: “How come you never talk about Hunter? You know, that scumbag with no redeeming social value! Get away from me you lying, cheating, Irish Asshole!


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