Establishment Forced to Admit Massive Explosion in Turbo Cancers – IOTW Report

Establishment Forced to Admit Massive Explosion in Turbo Cancers

They Knew.

3 Comments on Establishment Forced to Admit Massive Explosion in Turbo Cancers

  1. Nuernberg trials. Start with Fauci. Then go after the MSM leaders who willingly perpetuated the fraud under the auspices of “I was only doing my job.” Tragically, a lifelong friend, who lead a good life, had no vices, and was married to a compliant nurse, dutifully loaded up with the suicide jab. After 4th jab he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Oncologist said he had maybe 3 years. Nope. He was gone in 2 months. His indoctrinated wife will NEVER admit there is a link between the suicide jab and her hubby’s turbo cancer death.


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