Chicago Public Schools Teachers Say They Were Told to Give Passing Grades to ‘Migrant’ Students – IOTW Report

Chicago Public Schools Teachers Say They Were Told to Give Passing Grades to ‘Migrant’ Students

WGN: Since 2022, nearly 50,000 migrants have been bused to Chicago from the Texas border. While not all of these new arrivals have opted to stay in Chicago, many who have chosen to make the city their new home have been resettled in predominantly Black neighborhoods on the South and West Sides. Now, WGN News can exclusively report that several Chicago Public Schools (CPS) teachers who work in these communities say they were told by school administrators to give migrant students passing grades last school year.

The teachers we spoke with work in CPS elementary schools and say they spoke no Spanish, while their migrant students spoke no English, making communication virtually impossible. They also added that because their schools were located in predominantly Black neighborhoods, they offered no English as a Second Language (ESL) support. Despite this, they say they were instructed by school administrators to give their migrant students a 70 percent in every subject and pass them on to the next grade.

Teachers say this was the case even if their migrant students displayed severe academic deficiencies. more

14 Comments on Chicago Public Schools Teachers Say They Were Told to Give Passing Grades to ‘Migrant’ Students

  1. Soooo, a High School degree is now just a participation trophy…. about the same as some of our colleges and Universities!

    A nuther great example of the Left weakening America by fuking up the next generation!

  2. I’m sure the POCs got a pass too. Not sure how anyone convinces themselves that lying to kids won’t come back to haunt these folks when they try to handle a job and can’t read, do basic math, etc. Government monopoly day prisons are the most evil thing in our society. ALL should be abolished.

  3. One of my HS biology teachers and a customer of my dad’s gas station for many years was named Wash. state teacher of the year twice and would never fail a student unless they didn’t try. He would do everything to make the kid succeed and would bend over backwards to keep them from failing. He was also a mentor to my youngest brother and became a very good friend to him over the years that he brought his car into my dad and younger brothers auto shop. I also got to know him more over the years as well, he was an excellent teacher and a very good man.

  4. Passing grades? Sure! Pass the alien progeny along so they’re someone else’s problem. It’s not as though you were supposed to teach them anything, much less find out if they learned</I anything, right?

    Teachers have become unfit for use, public parasites. Even those who conscientiously try to teach their kids something useful have been been gaslighted and brainwashed such that "useful" has become "useful to TPTB". Those that didn't succumb have long since resigned.

  5. Never hire any member of any special class based on their grades in school. Ever. Some can rise above what fate has handed them in the way of teachers and school administrators who’s motivation is too exploit them to advance their own agenda, and they are to be admired. But most are but pawns in a malignant game progressives play with the lives of innocents.

  6. Yeah, social advancement has been around a while now. Why hold kids back a grade if they’re not going to learn anyway? High Schools have been graduating functional illiterates for a while now.


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