Springfield, Ohio Resident Claims He Spotted Three Grown Men Naked in Walmart Bathroom – IOTW Report

Springfield, Ohio Resident Claims He Spotted Three Grown Men Naked in Walmart Bathroom


A resident in Springfield, Ohio, previously claimed he spotted three grown men naked inside a Walmart bathroom.

The resident made the claim shortly after another resident shared a story during a Springfield City Commission meeting that he saw several immigrants stealing items while in a Walmart bathroom.

In the 2023 Springfield City Commission meeting, a resident of Springfield stated, “A young man spoke about of going in the bathroom of Walmart. I had to explain to my grandson why there were three grown men naked in the bathroom. more

15 Comments on Springfield, Ohio Resident Claims He Spotted Three Grown Men Naked in Walmart Bathroom

  1. “he saw several immigrants stealing items while in a Walmart bathroom.”

    Who said illegals can’t assimilate? But it does beg the question; how to stuff merchandise down your pants if you aren’t wearing any?

    The irony is that even with Harris and company turning their city into Port-au-Prince, many will still vote Democrat, they never learn.

  2. Can’t get the dumb websites to give me a quote in creole saying “fock you” you ignorant scammers and thank you for taking away my white privileged benefits I have been paying for since 1973


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