FDA Approves of Leaky Mpox Vaccine That May Cause Heart Inflammation in ‘About 1 in Every 175 Persons’ – IOTW Report

FDA Approves of Leaky Mpox Vaccine That May Cause Heart Inflammation in ‘About 1 in Every 175 Persons’

Arizona Sun Times

ACAM2000, made by Emergent BioSolutions, was developed to prevent monkeypox disease in individuals determined to be at high risk for mpox infection. But according to the FDA’s own medication guide for the product, the risks of the vaccine appear to outweigh the benefits.

“Live vaccine virus is shed from the vaccination site and can be spread to other parts of the body or to other people to whom the vaccine virus has spread,” the FDA acknowledged. “Therefore, appropriate care of the vaccination site is required until it is completely healed, which may take up to six weeks.”

The agency also notes that the leaky vaccine can cause serious complications in vaccinated individuals and their close contacts to whom the virus has spread.” MORE

9 Comments on FDA Approves of Leaky Mpox Vaccine That May Cause Heart Inflammation in ‘About 1 in Every 175 Persons’

  1. …did you ever hear the saying “no one dies at Disneyland”? This is because they take pains to ensure that the actual, legal DECLARATION of death is made in the ambulance or the hospital, somewhere off-property, to avoid the stigma of death in the self-proclaimed “Happiest Place On Earth”. Tourist dollar conscious municipalities play along, and so they can continue to make believe death has no sway there despite the fact that it most certainly DOES.

    What they are attempting here is like that.

    “Historically, death following vaccination with live vaccinia virus is a rare event; approximately 1 death per million primary vaccinations and 1 death per 4 million revaccinations have occurred after vaccination with live vaccinia virus.”

    …that’s only because they refuse to investgate or even question any possible linkage between the vaxxx and the cardiac (or other-pretty nasty list there) death.

    Just like with the Coof Goof.

    We will never know how many they killed, because Democrat coroners refuse to even ask the QUESTION.

    So no one dies of vaxxxes,
    As no one dies at Disney.

    (side note: this type of pretending is not working to well for Disney these days either, some interesting legal decisions have led to some unflattering press, this isnt relevant but its pretty wild just how slimey a Communist run corporation can be…)


  2. ““Live vaccine virus is shed from the vaccination site and can be spread to other parts of the body or to other people to whom the vaccine virus has spread”

    did kamala write that?
    it is sad, what modern medicine has become

  3. These insane evil people are seriously trying to kill us all. So wrapped up in their egos / greed they don’t consider the consequences of their actions. Unless, of course, that’s their intent. Psychopaths populate all groups / businesses / government.

  4. In the early/mid 90s many of us working at my shop caught a particularly nasty flu.
    Body aches, fever, weakness etc lasted a week or two. The symptoms diminished but returned in full force about a week later.
    (We called it the Momback Flu.)
    It kicked my ass, but I was OK a month or so afterward.

    I mentioned it to my Dr at my next checkup.
    He administered a flu shot- specifically one based on a KILLED virus.

    On subsequent visits he did NOT recommend flu shots.
    I have not had the flu since then.
    (And I did not get the clot shot.)

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