America Tried Third-World Immigration In The 1980s And The Results Were Horrifying – IOTW Report

America Tried Third-World Immigration In The 1980s And The Results Were Horrifying

Alt-Market- The American Founding Fathers built our nation on a core premise that has been long forgotten and this memory lapse is causing endless grief for current generations. What premise? That the rest of the world is not the responsibility of the US. We don’t owe the world anything, we don’t need to be involved in foreign wars, we are not beholden to foreign interests and we are not obligated to foreign peoples.

America is not a “melting pot.” It never has been a melting pot. This phrase is used by leftists and open borders activists to suggest that there is no American culture; that we are nothing more than an economic buffet for far flung tribes to feast upon. more

8 Comments on America Tried Third-World Immigration In The 1980s And The Results Were Horrifying

  1. “It’s that simple”

    Except that illegals don’t have to do any of that and there is no enforcement mechanism or disincentives to provoke compliance.

    Once their useless carcass is parked on American soil they and their parasite families are given Willy Wonka’s Golden Ticket; all their needs (and wants) are provided with zero quid pro quo expected. They don’t need to be productive, learn the language or the culture, assimilate in any way, or even comply with existing laws. Sure, there is an expectation that they will remain on the Democrat reservation and support the junta, but their status is inferred by just existing and being here.

    Great system we have here, sustaining? You betcha.

  2. The Vietnamese who came over were mostly hard working, and while they may not have worked to assimilate, they were generally good contributors to their communities, ran businesses, and otherwise took care of themselves. Sadly, far too many of their teenage sons reformed the gangs they had been running back in Vietnam, but overall not as bad as most folks who have come here recently. And they value family and hard work. But of course if our military adventurism hadn’t help destroy their country, they never would have had to leave.

  3. Melting pot is not a modern leftist trope. It was part of the original intent to assimilate immigrants. Not unfettered and un-vetted mass immigration like we see today certainly.
    “Out of many, One” seems to sum it up. Many people, many colonies, many ideas, many cultures. But as one nation.

  4. As we are bombarded 24/7 with the constant reminder of the failures plaguing this country never lose sight of the greatest failure of all. Those we elect to governance and those the elected appoint.

  5. My grandparents came here in the 1950’s with 6 daughters.
    They had to have a sponsor.
    My Grandfather had to be bonded. He had to prove he would be able to hold a job and not be a burden on the state.
    The three oldest had graduated high school but had not had US History so they had to go to a year of high school here.
    I remember going to the Post Office every year, until Carter, for her to register as a legal alien.
    There were more hoops too.
    And they only came here from Canada!!
    Now my town is full of Africans and South Americans who are here illegally.
    The best I can say about it is that at least the South Americans work.

  6. Even the “melting pot” is too racist now..the term in use is that the US is a “tossed salad” where all these identies and cultures addtpthe whole but don’t change. That is, assimilation is bad.

  7. my opinions differ. the united states does owe foreign entity’s. the current national debt is currently
    someone is getting paid in a big way. welcome to indentured servitude. the current projection is to allow a penance of income to maintain minimal existence and all wealth transferred to the deep state. the country is on wealth lockdown. the people who do manage to build wealth are looking to hide it, or are part of the deep state apparatus. the final transfer of wealth happens upon death, through healthcare, long term care, taxes, inflation etc… there has been a lot of talk about the tainted food supply in america. coupled with the vax mandates and health insurance premiums the deep state gets to wring out every last dollar back into the apparatus.


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