Biden-Harris Regime Prepares Another $8 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine – IOTW Report

Biden-Harris Regime Prepares Another $8 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine

GP: The Biden-Harris regime is once again prioritizing foreign interests over the well-being of American citizens, with plans to announce an eye-watering $8 billion in military aid for Ukraine during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Washington.

This massive giveaway comes as Americans continue to face economic hardships, skyrocketing inflation, and an unprecedented crisis at the southern border.

According to sources from Reuters, the U.S. government is scrambling to finalize a $5.6 billion military aid package from existing American weapons stocks before the September 30 fiscal year-end deadline.

This handout to Ukraine will be part of a larger $8 billion aid plan, which includes $2.4 billion under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, allowing Biden’s regime to purchase more weapons from defense contractors for Ukraine, rather than pulling from already depleted U.S. reserves. more here

6 Comments on Biden-Harris Regime Prepares Another $8 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine

  1. Black Rock and Archer Daniels Midland are not going to silently watch their investment go up in flames. And the Uniparty is not going to give up their kickbacks without a fight. They are in this thing down to the last Ukrainian.

  2. The United States federal government needs to be pulled up off the floor, thrown over a line and beaten with carpet beaters until it is thoroughly cleaned out. Deodorize and sanitize, then put in a germicide to prevent the likes of the Clintoons, Bidens Bushes 0bamas, oh, heavens, most all the critters throughout from reinfesting the place, and reinstall the carpet.

  3. They’re hedging their bets in case Trump wins. In the words of Janis Joplin – “Get it While You Can”. The spigot will be turned off, or at least the flow will be reduced if Trump wins. It’s difficult to comprehend the sheer level of corruption that permeates our government. Ethics, morality and patriotism doesn’t exist anymore.


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