NYT complains that Kamala dodged questions – IOTW Report

NYT complains that Kamala dodged questions

Turns out we weren’t the only ones LESS than impressed with Kamala Harris’s MSNBC interview. Hey, we expect right-leaning outlets like ours and others to be critical of Kamala’s second softball interview conducted by the same woman who just recently said Kamala shouldn’t have to do interviews but seeing the New York Times dragging her? Woof. SO much woof. All the woof even. Take a look

6 Comments on NYT complains that Kamala dodged questions

  1. NYT simply moves on to defend the next farce.

    Hold your horses! Let’s remember Hillary, the corrupt dumpy wife of Blowjob Billy. The Queen of Benghazi. Never prosecuted for the TS server in her closet, 30,000 emails “bleached”.

    Why do I mention this ugly fat BITCH? Because she’s still on the attack against us DEPLORABLES who want to save America from the grasp of perverted, moral, corrupt frauds such as her.

    Is the word “deplorable” only applicable to us Patriots? I say nay nay. Obama was the worst cancer to he inflicted upon our great America, followed closely by the Clinton’s.

    Disgusting, DEPLORABLE reprobates, all.

  2. Dodging entails a deliberate choice to act in a particular way. I don’t think that’s what Kakala does. What looks like dodging is merely the way she acts by default. Ask her a question is just like punching a button a rest stop vending machine: out comes a shit sandwich.


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